Why do you have kids?
Why did you make children?
Falling asleep standing up on the corner
With cigarette ash falling in the stroller
Why do you have kids?
Why did you make children?
You gave all baby daddy's money for food
To the dead-eyed street pharmaceutical dude
Accidents having accidents
Now mother like daughter, father like son
R.I.P. next generation, goodnight, honey
You've got nothing to look up or forward to
Why do you have kids?
Why did you make children?
You beat your son at the grocery store
Because he cried a little when his eyes were sore
Baby runs around shoeless outside
While mama's dressed to the junkyard nines
Feed them garbage so they stop crying
They'll look just like you in no time
Accidents having accident
Now mother like daughter, father like son
R.I.P. next generation, goodnight, honey
You've got nothing
The kids got nothing to look up or forward to
No chance