The Kiss (Skit) lyrics
by Proof
[Skit: Eminem, Gary]
["Everybody's Looking At Me" plays in the background]
"I'm gonna kill this b*tch. I'm gonna kill her. I'm going to f*cking jail 'cause I'm gonna kill this b*tch!"
"Yo, man…"
"I don't know, I got a really, really bad feeling about this…"
"Man, would you shut the f*ck up, Gary!? You always got a bad feeling, man! That's her car right there, just park."
"Alright, just let me park… I'm parking!"
"f*cking turn the car off, dawg."
"Aight, we wait."
"We wait for what?"
"We wait until she comes out, and then I'm gonna f*cking kill her."
"Man… you ain't gonna kill no one—what the f*ck did you bring that for!?"
"Man, shut the f*ck up, dawg. Just shut up. f*cking clip is empty, it's not—" [Eminem reveals the empty gun magazine]
"Man, don't point that sh*t at me!"
"It's not even loaded, b*tch, look." [Eminem pulls trigger, unloaded gun clicks]
"Dude! God, I f*cking hate when you do that sh*t."
"Yeah, but it's funny as f*ck."
"Gonna f*ck around and kill me one of these days, I swear…"
"Gets you every time."
["Soldier" theme begins to play]
"Is that her?"
"Right there, motherf*cker."
"Oh, yeah…"
"Aight, get down, get down."
"f*ck, here we go again…"
"Get down!"
"…The f*ck? You want me to get under the car?"
"Yo, who's she walking with?"
"The f*ck am I supposed to know? You told me to duck down!"
"It's the f*cking bouncer... Did she just kiss him?"
"I don't think so."
"Dawg, sh—she just f*cking kissed him!"
"No, she didn't."
"Sh—she's kissing him, dawg."
"No, she's not!"
"She f*cking kissed—" [Eminem exits car]
"Aw, sh*t…"
"Come on." [Eminem runs off, yelling "Motherf*cker!"]