Super God take 1
Super god as in the neighbourhood
Super god as in the neighbourhood
The neighbourhood
Bowie's talking in my ear
About the things we shouldn't fear
But my friends, we fear anyway
The Neighbourhood
I think their gay
But that's ok with me
The super gods i beat against all odds
Maybe you too
If so, I'm playing this song for you
Playing this song for you
A little messy like inside of my head
But that's ok with me
It's ok with me
This song is about the super gods
That i beat against all odds
And i'm coming back with a vengance
They're still walking tall
But ill see that they fall
Into a little puddle
They'll mess up their expensive clothes
And maybe get a bloody nose, bloody nose
The Grammys, the Grammys
If i ever make it to the Grammys
I might just give someone a bloody nose
Maybe the old man super god
Rutherford, you ain't my brotherford
Awfully sure of myself
Maybe i'm lacking some mental health
When i go to sleep at night, i will hold my baby tight
When i go to sleep at night, you know ill hold my baby tight
Whats with all these bands and their super brains
I know that one day they will lose their fame
Then the same kind of artists will replace them