If it shine go get it/
See the twinkle in their eye/
My addiction, might take away my life/
All that glitters ain’t gold/ x2
Verse 1
Heart full of bravado, pedal to the metal tryna find my way/
I seek Eldorado, never will I settle ever I must chase/
Anybody else feel like everybody sell a different get-rich philosophy?/
We all want treasure, but when y’all say rich I ain’t really sure what y’all mean/
Some say sleep with the finest folk, some say cruise on a private boat/
Some say fame and the beaucoup bucks, drink liquor to the dregs and acc*mulate stuff/
But it’s never enough, though for a moment you be/
Feeling super groovy like a scooby-doo movie/
Who robs contentment from my soul? How my heart vacant when my Fort Knox full?/
Verse 2
I was I slave to what I craved, and I caved daily to the urge, it overcame me thought it saved
A vacay from the pain, boredom, & strain, sweet taste lot of numbing like sugar-laced novacane/
I was addicted to porn, conflicted & torn, afflicted I’d mourn/
But as much as I tried to hate it, I really loved it/
Wanted to change but couldn’t find pleasure above it/
But in 9th grade my life changed, my mind frame saw better treasure by Christ’s grace, and I
See I always knew I wanted to be Hedonist/
Just didn’t know the world isn’t paradise, Jesus is/
I thank God for opening my eyes, I was addicted to madness/
Let go of quartz & got diamonds, I want all y’all to have this/
Better check your eyesight, what seems like gold just might be pyrite/
What don’t shine at first might be diamonds/
Turn to Christ He cures mind’s eye blindness/