The Eumenides (lines 858 - 885 ) lyrics
by Athena
I will bear with your anger. You are older. The years have taught you more, much more than I
can know. But Zeus, I think, gave me some insight, too, that has its merits. If you leave for an
alien land and alien people,
you will come to love this land, I promise you. As time flows on, the honors flow through all
my citizens, and you, throned in honor before the house of Erechtheus, will harvest more
from men and women moving in solemn file
than you can win throughout the mortal world.
Here in our homeland never cast the stones
that whet our bloodlust. Never waste our youth,
inflaming them with the burning wine of strife.THE ORESTEIA
Never pluck the heart of the battle c*ck
and plant it in our people - intestine war
seething against themselves. Let our wars
rage on abroad, with all their force, to satisfy
our powerful lust for fame. But as for the bird
that fights at home - my curse on civil war.
This is the life I offer, it is yours to take.
Do great things, feel greatness, greatly honored.
Share this country cherished by the gods.
But for me to suffer such disgrace... I, the proud heart of the past, driven under the earth,
condemned, like so much filth,
and the fury in me breathing hatred -O good Earth,
what is this stealing under the breast, what agony racks the spirit?... Night, dear Mother
All's lost, our ancient powers torn away by their cunning, ruthless hands, the gods
so hard to wrestle down obliterate us all.