*Tv Switch Flicked On*
*Channel Switch*
[First Channel: Nintendo Commercial]
[?] hold of the Nintendo Entertainment System
*Channel Switch*
[Second Channel: Man Speaking]
Today called for the real (Ghostbusters)
*Channel Switch*
[Third Channel: Kool-aid Commercial]
New Kool-aid coolers with 20 percent juice
You can-
*Channel Switch*
[Fourth Channel: Transformers Tv Series]
The Transformers will return after these messages
*Channel Switch*
[Fifth Channel: Blockbuster Video Commercial]
Welcome to Blockbuster video, Blockbuster video-
*Channel Switch*
[Sixth Channel: Exercise Commercial]
Ok.. 5-6
*Channel Switch*
[Seventh Channel]
*Channel Switch*
[Eighth Channel: O'Shaughnessy Hartley]
Because it's the last ride that I'm ever gonna, that I'm ever gonna take at AstroWorld
[Launch CTRL]
Apollo 11, this is launch operation manager. The launch team wishes you good luck and God speed
[Neil Armstrong]
Thank you very much. I know it’ll be a good one
[Launch CTRL]
In 10, 9..ignition sequence start 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. All engine running, lift off we have a lift off. Thirty-two minutes past the hour. Lift off on Apollo eleven