Home lyrics
by Young Jesus
15 songs from 15 writers
5 of which are only silence
Remind me why I keep on trying
The bones in us grow in A minor, C
Be still
The greater boulders slowly fall off all our shoulders
Hold your hand in rolling water
Hear yourself make sense in mono
I am David - I am David!
I am Eloise, I'm jaded
We're gonna need some new names, Mabel
Tell me all your favorites
Give me some new hearts earthquaking
Tell me emo’s not quite dead
Or say I've got some indie cred
Or put The Good Life on repeat
We've got a couple weeks or years
We've got some time to train our ears
To 12 new songs need underwriters
Interludes need arcade fires
Well arcades need some coins, and so do we
Give me The National with spiders
Give me The Beatles unenlightened
Prize fighting with The Velvet Teen
For some new Brand New memories on vinyl- burning for the wax
With some quick water on our hands
With dust from boulders from our past
I am happy, I am sound
I've got my family and my friends
I've got these 15 writers, 15 songs
Who said we’d all be well
I think I knew it all along