Reddit AMA lyrics



Royce - can we expect another Bad Meets Evil album in the future?
You never know -Nickle-What's up! Do you guys have any favorite songs off your own album?
Premier--My favorite is "U Looz" and "You Should Know"Premier, any truth to the rumors that you produced a song for 2Pac Shakur while he was signed to Death Row Records?
Premier--I never Produced with 2Pac but I have a song for whenever I need to use it on Acapella. One day It will come out when I put a beat to itRoyce, who was your biggest inspiration growing up?
There were many.. Cool J was a huge one -Nickle-Premo & Royce. First off, thanks so much for working together and breathing some life into hip hop. A couple questions:
1) what's a short back story as to how you guys linked up to doing Phryme
2) what was the biggest challenge working together? (Logistics, scheduling, styles)
3) Were you surprised that this happened? It's been a long time since the release of "Boom"
Thanks again!

1. Mike Herrard who works at Shady brought the idea to us for a Slaughterhouse EP of 5 songs...After scheduling everyone was taking too long, Royce and I decided to do it together and that turned it into a full LP
2. The biggest challenge for me was Producing a full LP with ONLY sampling Adrian Younge's catalog of music. But Royce convinced me to give it a chance. I am happy that I took the chance to do something different. Now we have PRhyme December 9th. 2
3. I'm not surprised, "STREET HOP" was supposed to kind be a full LP but we have made it nowWho do you think will have a better showing at Ether on Saturday, Bizzy Bone or Cassidy? (Yes, Bizzy Bone is now on the card, opponent ain't been announced)
Any info that you can share about Total Slaughter 2? If it going to happen? Who some names that might be on the show?
Why y'all let Joe put the mic down though?
Lol I dunno who will do better. i'm a fan of both guys.. Total Slaughter is definitely happening again.. I just got real busy with PRhyme.. I didn't let Joe put the mic down lol he did that on his own -Nickle-What was it like when you found out that your music was going to be featured in Grand Theft Auto III? Did you have any clue that the game would become such a huge success?
Also, do you have any advice for an up and coming rap group?
I had a feeling the game was gonna be huge.. I actually got a first look at it and was honored... My only advice would be to believe in yourself.. Thats most important -Nickle-Are the rumours true about your beef with Biggie? And if so what was it about?
Me and Big never had beef. There was some issues regarding one of my artists Jeru The Damaja but that got taken care of

Did that all come about from One Day?
Can you touch on what caused the split between yourself and Jeru? His music has never been the same without you

Premier--"One Day" did spark the controversy. I went thru the motions but all is well and me and BIG cleared it up before he died. Plus BIG was NEVER called out on that record at all. speculation can sometimes lead to the wrong point getting across. As for Jeru, he and I are totally fine. We split over a business decision. We are gonna work this year on some new stuffHow do you prepare to make an album?
Take a deep breath and just start writing -Nickle-Hey Royce and Preme! Great job with the album, especially getting it done and out so quickly. Will there perhaps be a sequel? (You knew someone was going to ask.) Royce, what do you think your greatest strengths and weaknesses are as an emcee?
Also, for Preme - what is the status of the other collaborations you are said to have in the works - especially the one with Pete Rock which I have been looking forward to for YEARS
Premier--We have talked about doing a sequel but we will see later down the line after this one comes out. As for the Pete Rock Album, we are doing a single in January to start the project. He is producing half of it and I am doing the other halfEh Prem! Why dont rap producers remix ish anymore? What can we do to bring the remix back?
Word Right? I've done a few for Sam Smith and I did a Disclosure Remix for "Latch"....We will be dropping some PRhyme Remixes with special guestsIs there an album that you feel influenced you time & time again?
Life after Death.. It was Written and The BlueprintPreemo! I'm an 80's baby, born/raised in NY (Queens!) and so I'm a huge fan of that grimey, gritty, heavy bass beats that were prevalent back in the 90's. My question is, do you think that kind of sound will ever make a come back? Or do you think that particular sound had its time and it's no longer as relevant in today's hip hop culture?
sh*t ! that's what I still do. There should be hundreds more of me doing the same thing. There's no excuse to ignore the sound of New York and you come from the birthplace of Hip Hop Culture. Do what you love, not what is trendingCan we expect more PRhyme after this album?
Well whats crazy is that we have the option to do whatever so we're keeping that option ope -Nickle-Two questions -
1. I know you're planning to tour in support of this album - Any idea on when dates will be posted? (and will there be an STL one?)
2. Question for Royce - Will there be a Bar Exam 4? (please say yes.)
1. The tour dates will be posted VERY soon. As in days. Lol
2. Working on a lot now but I'll never rule out a Bar Exam 4. -Nickel
You better come back to Australia!
Dec 9th, we'll be announcing dates and routing.. as far as BE4... I'd LOVE TO! hahaha -Nickle-

Premier-- 1. yes we will tour February. Still working out the datesRoyce, who was your idol growing up?
Sugar Ray Leonard -Nickle-Royce, did anyone get their ass beat for misspelling your legal name on the back cover of Death Is Certain?
Nah lol -NIckle-

Royce, how has working with Eminem now changed from how it was back in the Slim Shady LP days?
We've both grown as people and as artists so we push each other a little more lyrically these days -Nickle-When is glasshouse coming out?
2015 fa sure -Nickle-Premier? Why don't you open a club in Houston? I have one for you already. Lee Van Richardson
Lee Van ?????? What's up man...I'm not the club business guy. It would have to make sense on a business level for me to do that. I wouldn't count it out but the numbers etc. would have to add up. R.I.P. Keith Bowdre....Loving your style as of late Royce! Any chance you tour up to Canada?
Thank you and absolutely -Nickle-Royce, big fan, I've been listening since the Bar Exam Days lol...anyway who is the funniest member of Slaughterhouse?
They're all pretty funny guys -Nickle-DJ Premier: What's it like working with Royce?
Royce: What's it like working with Premo? (Loved Vegas, you go in.)
Premier--Working with Royce is always easy. He is a perfectionist and so am I. We never have a dull moment ever. Chemistry is key to great records being made and we have thatWhat's one thing no one would expect about yourself?
Premier--That I am a huge Rock & RoLL fan. I know my sh*t and I go to many many many concerts...Genesis, Van Halen, AC/DC, Rush, Iron Maiden, The Police, Ozzy Osbourne, Motley Crue....Dj Premier, I assume you have one of the dopest record collections ever. What are some of your personal favorite vinyls you own?
Premier-- My David Axelrod LP's, all of my Jackson 5 Albums, James Brown, Parliament, Ohio Players, Curtis Mayfield, Al Green, Willie Hutch, Aretha Franklin, Luther Vandross, MAZE, Minnie Ripperton, Earth, Wind & Fire, Barry White, Henry Mancini, sooooooomany more...Royce you're the man! Any chance we hear a Truth or Truth Part 2 before Slaughterhouse's next album?
We've done a few in that chamber since -Nickle-What's the worst job you've ever had?
I worked at 7-11, Oil Dispatch and a department store all at the same time -Nickle-Are you still working on Christina Aguilera's new album? If so, what can you tell us about the tracks?
I just sent her some new tracks. I don't know what she is going to use yet. We will soon see. She's about to get married so I know that is her focus right nowHey, Ryan and Chris, I'm a big fan of Shady Records, as well as Premier's work (one of the best producers ever), so I was really looking forward to this Prhyme joint!
I'm glad you decided to do this AmA. I have a few questions (I won't ask nothing about Budden lol)
1) How many videos for the album are you planning on shooting? Is it gonna be anything like 50's Animal Ambition - a video for every song?
2) Why was the Courtesy video so short? That entire track is really dope, I wish the video was longer
(btw my favorite line from the song is Daddy taught me if the ass is so fat it's a fact / That if you with your ho, don't matter it's still appropriate to scope at it lol)
3) What's your favorite track on the album? (hopefully you'll both answer)
(Mine's PRhyme for now, I also really like Courtesy, Wishin' and Dat Sound Good)
4) Not a question, but you two should break down some of the PRhyme tracks on Rap.Genius! Royce recently did an interview about ShadyXV with Joel and Crooked, and we would like to hear something about this project as well!
I'm gonna risk sounding corny A.F. but your music is really helping me through some tough times right now
Can't wait for the album to drop!
Premier-- 1. We plan on shooting a video to every song on the LP
1. There is a longer version but there were parts that could not be shot to complete it in time. So we did not want to waste the footage so we released it as a commercial to set up the LP coming out for now
2. I love "Wishin", "U Looz" and "Microphone Preem". It changes by the dayWhat is your favorite track off PRhyme? Does Premo rhyme at all on the album?
He speaks with his hands on the album.. Its pretty amazing... I love all of the songs.. Theyre like my kids -Nickle-
Premier--I spit 2 bars on "U Looz"....Enjoy because I don't rap LOLDo you use any daw software or do you still just use an MPC sequencer?
MPC Renaissance is software but the formula is the same approach as Analog. I did the entire PRhyme LP on it and it is the first album that I used it forHey Premier, I’m a huge fan! I was inspired to start producing hip-hop beats after listening to your music for a long time. Do you have any advice for upcoming producers who are starting out?
Study the great ones that have a long history of greatness under their belt. You must study just like Football and Basketball players study film. This is a professional business It is fun but MUST be taken serious in order to place yourself amongst usLet me say Royce, you're my favorite rapper first off, and Preem you're my favorite DJ. Now that that's out of the way, on to the questions (for both of you guys)
1. Any tips for a young upcoming rapper?
2. What is your favorite song you've ever done?
3. Are you coming to New Jersey anytime soon?
Believe in yourself is the advice i always give bro -Nickle-

Premier-- 1. Compare yourself to artist that you highly respect to see where you fit in. You should want those artists to speak your name when you put some music out
I have no favorite song. I love em all
If New Jersey sends for me, I am there. I play anywhereBoth of your top 5 favorite albums?
Premier-- (NOT IN ORDER) 1. Eric B. & Rakim--"Paid In Full" 2. Run-DMC-"Raising Hell" 3. LL Cool J--"Radio" 4. Boogie Down Productions--"Criminal Minded" 5. Public Enemy--"Yo ! Bum Rush The Show"Preme, whats your favorite beat youve produced?
Royce, what do you think is your best verse ever?
Damn.. I dont think i could name one -Nickle-

Premier---I don't have a favorite beat. Too many to count. I like listening to other peoples music honestly. I make mine to put out to the universe. I love a lot of songs that I've done but not "ONE" singles out the othersPrimo! I'm a huge fan! All your tracks are amazing. If you weren't spinning for a living/passion, what would you see yourself doing? What do you think would have happened if you didn't go after your career as a DJ
Man I don't really know....I love football but I got hurt on my motorcycle years ago and that pretty much ended that career. I'm blessed to do music as a professionHey what's up Royce and Preemo! Can't wait for the album to drop. Like what I've been hearing!
I wanted to ask were there any artists that you wanted a feature from on the album but weren't able to get in time?
Also, are there any artists that everybody should look for that are on the come up?
Thanks guys!
Black Thought of the ROOTS but we are getting him on the "Wishin" REMIX. His manager had just died so he was not in the mood to write and record. More Remixes coming and a 3 song Deluxe Bonus cuts comingWho are you listening to the most these days? Are there any up and comers we should be watching out for?
Look out for Kid Vishis! -Nickle-Yo I can't wait to buy that PRhyme album But, how soon is Glasshouse coming out? Keep it 100, nickle I need some more slaughter!
Its coming my brother! -Nickle-Is it true that Ed Sheeran came to work with you due to Christina Aguileraa Back to Basics? Why didn't your tracks make his album
I worked with Ed Sheeran last year on a song called "The Manor". It is still coming outWhat is a hobby of yours that people might not expect?
Boxing -Nickle-Are you still using MPCs, or have you upgraded to modern hardware? How do you think your production has changed over the years?
Oh, one more thing, will you start producing MOP albums again?
I am using the MPC Renaissance. It is pretty much the same ad the 60 except it is equipped with more sample time and capable of using Plug Ins from outboard gear that i still use from the 90's
As for M.O.P. I am on the upcoming LP. I did 5 so far. They have an EP out now but that was just to stall while they finish recording the album. They wanted to save mine for that insteadI have been waiting for you two do be a collective since I first heard royce's hip hop. Any plans on touring and will you hit Ireland? You work amazing together just as good as gang starr was imo. Rip guru
We plan to eventually hit every city,Country etc -Nickle-
Premier-- The tour details are being worked out so stay tuned. But Yes we will tourPreme- you ever consider writing a book? Hip hop history stories would be dope especially stories about Big L(RIP) and other greats
Royce- you gonna hop in the battle rap scene and start killing foos and throw hands?
Im open to the idea -Nickle-

Premier--I am doing a book with Harry Allen helping me on it. I also want to do a proper Gang Starr Book. Stay TunedPreemo I'm a huge fan! Finally been able to start getting my name a bit more recognized as a producer and I owe a huge part of that to you as I have listened to your production religiously over the past few years
My question is do you ever run into a sort of writers block when it comes to finding samples? And if you do how do you overcome this?
PRhyme is amazing btw. I can't get over the beat changes on Wishin. Great stuff from both you and Royce
Premier-- Yes I get writers block all of the time...You just have to go back to it with a fresh head and somehow it comes. Everyday is not meant to be the day that a song will come out great. But it finally does. Stay in your zone and shut the phones off and ignore everyone while you are creatingPremier, who would you put in your top 5 (All time)?
Premier--Rakim, KRS-ONE, Chuck D, Melle Mel, Big Daddy KaneRoyce
Congratulations on your sobriety! How do you do it? As someone who struggles with substances, it's a really tough fight for me. How can someone with your fame, wealth and free lifestyle manage to remain sober for that long? Do you have any tips or words of encouragement? I'd appreciate anything!
Well you have to want to stop.. I reached a point in my life where i just felt it was time.. I knew i needed help and i couldn't do it on my own so i reached out to who could help me.. Admitting that youre powerless over whatever youre addiction is, is probably the biggest act of strength you could ever portrayHey just wanted to say first off you guys' album is great and its gonna be on rotation for a while. All the songs are dope and I especially love Ab-Souls feature on there. Question for premo, what was your favorite beat to make ever? My personal favorite beat of yours is probably Work or Nas Is Like
I do not have a favorite beat. Too many to focus on 1 favoritePreem!
Huge fan of your work, love all of your sh*t all the way from No More Mr Nice Guy up until PHryme, you are probably my all time favorite producer and I don't think that will ever change
That being said, why you gotta break my heart all the time. You announce some amazing projects like your collabs with people like Nas, KRS One & Pete Rock but then we never hear anymore. I know the Nas project is held up by label sh*t but what about you and KRS or Pete? Would love to hear some info on this
Also i saw you and Pete when you came to Australia for your back2back tour and it was f*cking amazing. Thank you so much for that night, even though you were late!
I know Pete has been talking about the fact that he wants to make a reunion album with CL since Guru passed, do you have any information on that?
Thanks for blessing us with so much amazing music over the years. You truly are one of the greatest Producers of all time
Guru RIP
The NAS LP you are correct. He has to finish his commitments to Def Jam first. As for KRS, we did 3 songs and then he went on tour. Haven't heard from him since, but that's what KRS does so when the time is right it will happen. As for Pete Rock, we both had other commitments that had to come first so that is just how our industry goes. Don't count them out though....I still continue to put music out if you are really keeping up with mePrem, I'm a big fan of you! What do you think of J Dilla?
Premier-- Dilla is my dude. we hung out together many of times. He was with me when I recorded "Devil's Pie" with D'angelo. I have the picture. This was before he was sick and Alchemist came with me....Alchemist looks like a little kid back in 1998...R.I.P. Dilla DawgAyo Preemo, when are you gonna produce for K-Rino? He's so dope but needs better production
Premier--K-Rino is on the new NYGz LP. Their LP will finally get a release date in January. The song he did with us is called "Introduction To Manhood" along with Lil Fame of M.O.P....K-Rino got busy on it. He and I talked about doing an albumPreme can you tell us a good guru story none of us would have heard, and what really went down with solar?
Premier--I have many stories but too much to type. As for Solar i don't want to give him any shine. He don't deserve anything coming from me so I will stay positive to avoid all negative frontsPreemo: Did any other pop/R&B singers approach you for beats after your success with Xtina's 'Back to Basics' album?
Miguel, Ed Sheeran, Anthony Hamilton, Rizzle Kicks, Becky HillRoyce, PRhyme and 2014 Forest Hills Drive (J Cole) come out the same day, what you think about?
I dont really think about it -Nickle-Royce and Preme- what are some of your favorite clothing brands to wear?
I dont usually shop brands.. I go for looks.. I really like layering.. Im a winter and fall dresser -Nickle-Royce huge fan for a long time wanted to ask if there is any untold funny memories you can talk about the great late Proof?
Too man great memories with Gawd... He was the truest -Nickle-First, I am a huge fan of both of you and thanks for doing this AMA ! With that being said do you think the bar has been set VERY high for this album with great albums already dropped this year such as RTJ2 and Ab-soul ?
Yes the bar is set extremely high.. We're up for the challenge tho -Nickle-

Premier-- The bar should ALWAYS BE SET HIGH. I would NEVER want to be an "alright " artist. I strive for excellence on a super high level at all timesHow many songs did you guys record for this album?
9 -Nickle-Primo- what's your best Kanye West story?
Royce- how did you wind up on I Wanna Be Bad?
Hahah They reached out and asked me to be a part of it. I liked the song so i did it -Nickle-First off, great album. I loved every track and I truly enjoyed the features, ranging from Mac Miller to Jay Electronica
Royce, as a fellow Detroiter (from Metro-Detroit actually, but you get what I mean), I am well aware of your love for Detroit and support for the city. Allow me to express my appreciation for that!
I have a few quick questions: What's your daily routine? In other words, what's an average day for Royce da 5'9" like? Also, do you record using studios primarily in Michigan or do you prefer to record elsewhere (i.e. Los Angeles, New York)?
THank you my brother.. A day for me consists of gym, studio and more studio lol... I use Mr Porters studio in OP -Nickle-Are there any unheard Big L tracks in your vault or ones that you know about? (Big L RIP)
Yall gonna keep making dope ass music together?
BIG L's Estate with all of his unreleased music is being worked out so for now it is on holdFavorite memory of Christina Aguilera?
Premier-- My favorite memory was hanging in the studio with her, Snoop Dogg, Bishop Don Magic Juan giving her a Wedding Gift while we were recording, Flava Flav coming to her house with Warren G playing Mario Cart. She's my little sister. Love her to deathWhat would both of you say is the highlight of your careers so far?
Premier--My highlight was meeting James BrownWhat happened to the songs you worked with Christina Aguilera on her Bionic album?
She decided not to use them. All good. We never recorded vocals. Just laid the tracksIf Christina Aguilera made you executive producer of her next album, what direction would you take her in and why?
Premier-- Let's just say, the entire LP would be a massive hit. I would LOVE to do a whole Executive Production of getting her the best songs ever because she can f*ckin sang !If you could have Christina Aguilera duet with anyone for a track you produced, who would it be and why?
Mary J. Blige. Because they both have soul and not too many singers nowadays have that. Without Soul, you are just a basic singer. There is a differenceFavorite Christina Aguilera song that you worked on and favorite Christina Aguilera song that you did not work on?
Premier-- My favorite Christina Aguilera song is "Back In the Day" My favorite that I did not work on is "Welcome"Hey Royce! I can't wait for your guy's new album to drop! (I'll pre-order it asap I promise ha! broke college student here!) But Every time you and Premier get together, it's a guaranteed hit. Not to mention you got many other sick artists to colab with that you haven't before. That being said, Is there a track that you enjoyed making the most or had the most fun on? I've always wondered if artists had favorite songs on their own album ha
We had fun doing them all.. Never a dull moment -Nickle-What's it like working working with each other?
It's amazing! Preme is one of, if not the, greatest producers ever. What's there not to love about working on an entire project with him? -NickelRoyce - what are your top three favorite albums you've made?
PRhyme.. Death is Certain and Bar Exam 2 -Nickle-
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