War9Thérapie lyrics



[Produced by Zàck]

Rien n'est parfait denia hadi hard machi tarfih
Djibek djifa bla parfum t3el9ek chaal te3ya chad fel barre fixe
Machi be chta li lebhar yfid w 3labali machi klami li 7a yfid
YES LOOKAN ghir a7fed 7arfi but dyali l7a9 brut 7arfi
Mektoubi 7ayer fih nahder 3lih yetla3 doukhane
9alebt denia 3la zahri 7alef fih 9ali ghir chouf fdenia wahdoukhra
Zid el 9ontta 3andi m3aha Feat *2
Trapi ego ana nrapi edenia statut quo chkoune li chad khyout edomia
Hna el 50 be mya morda mya blemya la39el hbess pck el 3ine 3emya
Kettret cheb3a jdida be tokhma jeunesse tle9ef miyta be tekhmam
Train bla raya 3ichou ghiir ntouma sghar 3raya labssine ghir tohma

[Refrain 1]
Denia tdjerrik battel tcoupilek ennefss
Khdem elbatta fla bataille contre ennefss
Lwa9t yezreb l7A9 t9al hna edolm zad kil 3adl zad 9ell hna
Teba3 mor lebhar wela wesh 9alou hna o li 7ab lem7aba yech9a lahna

[Pont 1]
Ta9afetna 9allek el fen fetna cauchemar fe mnam dzayer welfetna en retard kilmssid fe saff seffatna trop tard train fatna
Lekbar hiya li khewfetna wl'espoir 9alou mate hna b9a le9bar eltem plassetna

[Refrain 1]
Denia tdjerrik battel tcoupilek ennefss
Khdem elbatta fla bataille contre ennefss
Lwa9t yezreb l7A9 t9al hna edolm zad kil 3adl zad 9ell hna
Teba3 mor lebhar wela wesh 9alou hna o li 7ab lem7aba yech9a lahna
[Pont 2]
Eske bedelt hyatek wela hiya li bedlatek ?
Eske 7eyiteha w 9etlatek wela fiha smaht w rtaht ki medit daltek
Bayen 9bell mabdite eddatek edorof 9lil ma sa3datek
Eske ttma3te ki 3ttetek wela 3aditeha ki 3datek
Kount sghir 7ar kbert berdatek khouft matebra mo-mour li merrdatek
Makountche fort madertch l'effort ida khssert tssema suur be rdaytek

[Refrain 2]
W soghri djayez rapide kifech ndir nrapiih
Koul ma nemchi 9bala ndéraaapi lehyate mard war9tthérapie
9alou edenia bhar o koul ma techrob tzid ta3tach
Yedini ttma3 nehmed li ma3tach mba7ar bine 16 w 14
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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