Corn Mix lyrics
by Caroline Innerbichler
[STORYTELLER 1, spoken]
Now, this is where our little fable takes an exciting turn
[STORYTELLER 2, spoken]
We'll speed you through the highlights
We begin around eight PM
[BEAU, spoken]
A toast to the groom on the eve of his weddin' from his best man
[ENSEMBLE, spoken]
A toast!
[GORDY, spoken]
I'd like that!
[BEAU, spoken]
Maybe we should start you off with a child's portion
[GORDY, spoken]
My friend, where I come from, we have spirits
Named specifically for the tough urbanite
Who navigates a daily concrete battleground
Perhaps you've heard of something called a cosmopolitan
[BEAU, spoken]
Ooh, well then, we have underestimated you once again!
[GORDY, spoken]
Wow, that is so strong it could raise five kids on a teacher's salary
What's in this?
[BEAU, spoken]
We're talkin' corn
Just as sure as the day that you were born
In the east--
[STORYTELLER 1, spoken]
Stop! Then, eight o' five, go!
[GORDY, spoken]
I think this might be my last one for the night, fellas
[STORYTELLER 2, spoken]
Stop! Around eight o' eight, go!
[TENORS & BASSES, spoken]
Gordy! Gordy! Gordy! Gordy! Gor--
[STORYTELLER 1, spoken]
Stop! Around eight-fifteen, go!
[BEAU, spoken]
Tell us about where you're from
If you can't afford Orlando or Atlanta
Medicare, Metamucil and Mylanta
Will always feel like home to me in Tam--
[STORYTELLER 1, spoken]
Stop! By eight thirty, go!
Woah, woah
[BEAU, spoken]
Yeah Gordy! Hey, this is my song, I love it!
(singing) Somebody will!
[STORYTELLER 2, spoken]
Stop! Eight thirty-two, go!
[BEAU, spoken]
Really big!
[STORYTELLER 1, spoken]
Stop! Mm-mmm, mm-mmm. Eight-forty, go!
[GORDY, spoken]
My fam'ly doesn't believe in me
Growin' up, my parents moved around a lot
Sure, I always found 'em, but it was hard
I never had any friends, not what I call real friends
[BEAU, spoken]
Well, you do now
[GORDY, spoken]
I do now?
[BEAU, spoken]
Friends, my old friends
*Unintelligible drunk singing*
Something... together!
[STORYTELLER 1, spoken]
Stop! Then, around eight forty-five, Mazie, Lulu and her liquor all landed, go!
Here come the women and the woman of the world
[STORYTELLER 2, spoken]
Stop! And suddenly, the plot, like the whiskey, thickened, go!
Hey, I'm not okay