Kind lyrics
by Meave Devereux
mother nature would disapprove of the ways that i've been living
disapprove of the senseless, careless bleeding
she'd want me to hand back her trust
she'd say "i trusted you"
she regrets believing when i said i would control the harsh words that i spew
she couldn't melt my anger like how water is to sugar
couldn't free me of my anger
couldn't remove the venom
that's is intertwined with my blood circulation
i can't blame anyone else
i guеss that's why my friends aren't herе anymore
spending most of my evenings lying on my cold floor
hate is a lethal force
the line between love and hate is small
too much one sided love is self hate
and it hurts worse when you love them too much that you can't give them the blame
and too much pride can drive you insane
i defended all my friends
now I'm confused as of where they've gone
seems like they got what they needed
and then they fleeted
and the new ones i've found cancel days before i'm supposed to come round
i just wish i could find some piece of mind
they're all red
and im blue
and they hate purple
they hate how i paint them lavender
they dont enjoy the company of my anger
i wish i could be kind
i wish i could let go of this cold fury the rests on the layers of skin
all i wish was the world was kind