Boy,i love the way u do it
Yeah, u turn me on
Hit all the rite spots
Boy, u make me feel strong
I like the way u hold me
And the way u keep me warm
U love me when i'm down
And call me when ur gone
Yo,dis ain't da best
It cud get betta
Me an' u, get married
Have sum kids
An' live out in Jamaica
Live 4 2day
Let's leave all dat until we're olda
Just b my wife
An' Platinum B will stay a soldier
Boy,will u stay with me?
And keep me safe at nite?
And will u comfort me?,(FLAVA) (Dat's rite)
Wen i need u most?;(yea,yea)
Girl,i'll b wiv u
Even thru the bad times
Coz i'm made 4 luvin' u
More than u'll eva know
An' i can't believe i
Neva known nothin' like this
Nothin' like this
Nothin' like this
So if ur feelin' sexy
Let's get it on
I've neva had nothin' like this
Nothin' like this
Nothin' like this
Baby,jus' work it wiv me
All nite long yea
Boy,i luv the way u kiss me
An' da way u stroke my hair
An' look into my eyes
Caress me wiv ur stare
I luv the way i don't
Have 2 tell u how i feel
Coz u already know
Xactly wat's the deal
Yo,let's go
Wit' u an' me it's like
We b more than jus' friends
Dnt pretend dis ain't nuffin'
I ain't bluffin' agen
Suttin' i felt 4 a long time
Fed u a wrong line
But u bit it
In da blink of an eye
1 more time
Will u confide in me?
Will u b my best friend?,(FLAVA) (Best friend)
Will u b my lover?,(FLAVA) (o.k)
Will u say i do?' (FLAVA) (I do)
Girl,trust me wen i say
That i believe in u
An' i'm not takin' it 4 granted,(FLAVA) (listen)
So here's my answa
An' i can't believe i
How cud sum1 so beautiful
Sumthin' so magical
Find it's way 2 me
Girl,dis is as gd as it gets
Cud i 4get an' get mixed up?
Luved up,but still playin' trix
Like da kid in
Da way we go,devotin' all r time
An' i quickly cover up
Wen she misfall wiv my life
(I neva felt like dis b4)
(Huh,it's kinda different)
(Jus' seems rite)
(Feels good)