Magic Pig lyrics
by Frank Zappa
Ein Licht scheint vom Himmel herab
Kometen und alle rasenden Truemmer
Dunkle Gase und tiefgefrorene negative aus [...]
Zittern bei der Ankunft des Herren
FZ: A light shines down from Heaven, a dense ec*menical patina at the right hand of God's big sofa. And, oh lordy Lord, he was so pleased that afternoon. And things were a little bit slack up there in the sky and he figured he'd take a breather and relax, you know, after putting up the boards and having the sofa and talking to it and everything. And— A person in that position has got to have a hobby, so the first thing he did was get a D major chord and a choir of heavenly angels sang along with him:
Bring her zu mir
Das kurze Maedchen
FZ: Which means, "Bring unto me the short girl."
Und Squat, das magische Schwein
FZ: "And Squat, the magic pig." "Und das groĂźe Licht, das ich [...]," which means, "That big light I'm gonna use, 'cause we're gonna make a home movie."
Howard: Hey!