The Fregley Song lyrics
by Jessie Mueller
Would you like to come inside? Greg?
Would you like to come indoors?
There are painting in the halls
There are cobwebs on the walls
Did I mention there are floors?
From the moment you’re inside, Greg
Then the party has begun
See the door is open wide
So I hope you come inside
That’d be fun!
Would you like to meet my mom, Greg?
She’s the best at giving hugs
I’m so glad that Fregley's found someonе warm to have around, all his other friends arе bugs!
Here’s a friendly salutation
From a mother and her son
Won’t you please enjoy our place
only stay out of the basement
That’d be fun!
Sweet dreams!
Wanna see my room? Or pick at my blisters?
The room, please!
I haven’t got sisters
Just a long blonde wig
And when I feel blue
There’s not much to do here
But now I’ve got you here
For an entire night with me!
He he Ho Ho he he
Fregley led me upstairs… I wanted to get out of there so badly.
wanna have a tickle fight, Greg?
That’s a favorite Fregley perk!
could we play some video games?
sorry Greg my mother claims video gaming make me overly aggressive and berserk.
Here’s ventriloquism dolls, Greg!
here’s a ninja, here’s a nun!
run, Greg! Run!
how’s about that tickle fight? It’s okay I do not bite… Sometimes I bite!
sorry, I’m done.
I get lonely at school
Cause nobody likes me
My loneliness drives me
But I shrug, no big!
Oh Greg me and you’ll
Be best friends for realzies
We’ll feel all the feelzies
For all eternity!
He he ha ho he he hr hr hu hu ho ho he he!
*gasp* jelly beans?
yeah, they’re left over from Valentine’s Day, but I don’t think you-
my mom won’t let me have sugar because she says it make me go hyperactive, but I think it just makes me a little sweeter inside!
Mmmm! Oh! That hits the spot!
We should have a tickle fight, Greg!
Tickle battle to survive!
It’s exactly as I feared, Fregleys getting extra weird!
oh, I finally feel alive!
Now we’ll always be together,
I’m your fanboy number one!
Fregley listen to my plea, would you stay away from me?
Tickle tickle tickle G! Tickle tickle tickle we! Tickle tickle tickle spree! Tickle tickle tickle me!
That’d be fun!