That Girl lyrics
by Enrique Iglesias
(intro) This is the FloTheProducer
(Fiamma Teggi) my animatronics are coming to attack me, I have no escape and I will wait until the door opens and then run away from those damn ghosts
This is living love, happy and in peace, let the rest of us have a good time because living at the door under the rain is very sad without seeing the light: We have fallen into the darkness and that is why I need the flashlight to run to the exit
My birthday cake was eaten by ghosts while we were watching the kids having fun at a party ballpark. Looking at paintings without hurting the heart and it is always obligatory to tell the truth
(Enrique iglesias) Siempre hablamos en la ventana mirando la nieve y el cielo gris que llueve, ya pasó la primavera mientras seguimos escapando de los animatrónicos que vienen a complicarnos la vida. Ya no podré pedir ayuda porque habrá cambiado de empresa, me habrá bloqueado y ya no tiene señal
La llave no funciona pero vivo nadando bajo el agua y Ella habría quedado atrapada en la ley de los humildes. Nuestra filosofía es cómo tratarnos unos a otros sin dañar a nadie cuando nos volvamos a encontrar
No diré nunca mas a dios
(Fiamma Teggi) My dream would be when the men go to celebrate the sweetie at the Boca fans stadium
The trunkmobile flying fires from Mexico to Peru and Peru to Venezuela, to trust again in the currency to make us the best and to never have our lives changed by this consequence that should be endured from what one does
You're gonna die, I’m gonna kill you
The haunted solar eclipse at night to remain sincere when you got the furthest
The furthest you went