Chapter Eight: The Terror Within lyrics


Lil Darkie

hiro Shinobi: [Narrating a newsreel.] Korra is now the first metalbending Avatar! After training with Su Beifong, Korra quickly picked up the new skill, and Bolin is hoping to follow in her footsteps. Meanwhile, the airbender Zaheer is closing in on Zaofu. By his side are the lavabender Ghazan, the waterbender Ming-Hua, and the combustionbender P'Li. But what do these mysterious criminals want with the Avatar?

[The scene opens to Zaofu, where Korra is sparring with Wing. He fires two meteorites at her, but she dodges them and sends her metal cable at him. He dodges it twice, traps it on the ground, and bends it back at her. The impact of the cable knocks Korra to the ground.]

Wing: [Fist pumps.] I can't believe I'm sparring with the Avatar! [Camera pans down to his twin brother.]

Wei: [Referring to Bolin. Bored and frowning.] I can't believe I'm stuck with her friend.

[Camera angle changes to an aerial view of the practice area and Wing earthbends a trail toward Korra who jumps and dodges. Bolin stands in front of Wei.]

Bolin: Hang on, I think I got it. Let me just try this. [Attempts and fails to bend a meteorite.] Nope, okay maybe- [He is cut off as he gets nailed with a slab of metal by Wei.]

Wei: Trial by fire. It's the best way to learn metalbending. [Bolin ducks as a meteorite is sent toward him. He quickly bends a pebble at his attacker, directly hitting his forehead.] Agh!

Mako: [Approaches the scene with Asami.] Whoa. Nice shot, Bolin! [Wei grabs his forehead with both hands and makes little moans of pain.] But I thought you were supposed to be practicing metalbending, not earthbending.

Wei: [Rubs his red forehead.] Yeah, cheater. [Crosses his arms.]

Bolin: Mako, metalbending is extremely difficult. No one gets it right away, if they can get it at all! It's not normal! [Cut to Korra, as she is able to dodge Wing's attacks and knock him to the ground with her cables.]

Korra: [Jumps.] Woo-hoo! [Flexes her muscles.] Metalbending champion!

Bolin: Oh sure. She's the Avatar.

Asami: Guys, it's time to get cleaned up. Tonight is Opal's farewell dinner.
Bolin: [Sadly.] Oh, now I have to say bye to Opal? This is the worst day ever! [Slumps his shoulders and walks away sulkily.]

[Cut to Opal's farewell dinner, as the chef walks over and gives Opal her plate.]

Opal: Thanks for making my favorite meal.

Chef: I'm really going to miss you, Opal. No one appreciates my raw veggie wraps like you do. [Walks away to serve the remaining plates of food.]

Bolin: [To Opal.] Every time I eat raw kale, I'm going to think of you.

Opal: You're so sweet.

Bolin: This stinks! We were just starting to get to know each other, and now you're off to the Northern Air Temple.

Opal: We'll be together soon. You guys are coming up after finding more airbenders, right?

Bolin: Yeah, but that's ... in the future. Ugh, I hate the future!

Opal: [Holds up a piece of kale, which Bolin bites into.] Until then, we'll always have kale.

Varrick: [To Bolin.] Kid, can I give you some relationship advice?

Bolin: [Swallows.] Umm, no.

Varrick: Well, your loss. [Sits straight in his chair and camera pans further left to reveal Asami next to Varrick.] Zhu Li! [Snaps his fingers.] bring the, uh, thing. [Zhu Li appears in a flash next to Varrick and hands him a contraption from a bag.] Check out my latest invention: [Cut to a close-up of the device with a knob in the center and a red, yellow, and green indicator on top.] an airbender finder. [Camera pans back to the dining table to reveal Korra sitting next to Asami.]
Korra: [As Asami takes the machine from Varrick. Points her fork at the device.] Wait, that can find airbenders? [Asami points the device toward Korra. Camera switches to Asami's point of view as she moves the device up and down but nothing happens.]

Asami: [Korra looks confused.] Uh ... [Camera pans out to the trio.] I think [Hands the gadget back to Varrick.] it's broken.

Varrick: [Angrily.] It's not broken. She needs to [Waves his hands around in a bending motion.] airbend into it! [Grabs the airbender finder.] How else do you expect the thing to work? [Varrick does not look pleased. Cut to the other side of the dining table where Mako strains to hear the conversation.]

Mako: [From a long way across the table.] What's going on? I can't hear anything. I hate sitting down here! [He grabs his glass and camera pans down to reveal Aiwei watching his outburst. Notices Aiwei next to him, staring at him awkwardly.] Uh, not because of you.

Aiwei: [Dryly.] I can tell you're lying.

[Mako slumps in his chair and sips his drink with an embarrassed expression, as Suyin taps her glass to get everyone's attention. A metallic object tapping against the glass three times is heard. Camera pans back to the middle of the table again and Suyin has stood up with a glass raised.]

Suyin: Everyone, if I could have your attention please? Tonight, my beautiful little girl leaves for the Northern Air Temple. [Places a hand on her necklace] Opal, none of us could be more proud of you. You're an incredible daughter, sister, friend, [Lays a hand on her daughter's shoulder.] and soon to be [Suyin bends down a bit and Opal rests against her mother's shoulder.] airbending master. [Suyin gives a kiss on Opal's head. Cut to Huan, Wing, and Wei who watch the slightly emotional scene. The twins sniffle and Huan rolls his eyes. Raises her glass up high.] Here's to Opal. May she help lead us into the new era! [Everyone raises their glass for a toast.]

[Scene fades to the docking bay at sunset and Opal's airship taking off. Cut to Opal standing at the window of the ship and waving goodbye to her family and friends. Camera angle changes to an aerial view of the docking bay where a small crowd is looking up at the airship and some are waving to Opal. Cut to Kuvira behind the group as she pulls out a radio from a metal bag near her hip.]

Kuvira: [Into a walkie-talkie.] Lock it down for the night. [Cut to Korra, Lin, and Bolin. The latter stops waving and looks a little sad.]

Lin: [Gives Korra a smile.] We'll head out first thing in the morning.

[Bolin sighs solemnly and follows her leave, as Korra walks next to him, with her arm resting on his back in comfort. The duo walks away and the metal petals of the city start to close. Cut to an aerial view of all of Zaofu where all the metal flowers close in harmony. Scene changes to a Zaofu guard patrolling the guest houses at night. Cut to an aerial view of the surrounding parks and the guests houses as various guards walk up and down the perimeter. Below, we can see a small group running across a trail in the park toward a bridge. Cut to Zaheer and his gang quietly peering out from under the bridge. In the background, a guard has a metallic staff in hand and he looks down at the bridge for a few seconds before walking off. Zaheer waves his hand and signals to everyone to continue moving forward. Cut to another guard patrolling the sheltered walkway as the bad guys use the cover of darkness to sneak past the walkway undetected. They head toward a guest house in the far end. Cut to Bolin in his pajamas with a blanket over him in his bed, snoring. Pabu is curled up on top of the blanket and the fire ferret perks up with a squeak.]

Bolin: [Mumbling.] Kale, kale, kale ... Opal ...

[Pabu wakes up. The fire ferret leaps off the bed and hops over to the nearby window sill and looks out, noticing the four criminals. He paws against the glass and squeaks loudly in alarm in an attempt to wake his owner jolting Bolin awake.]
Bolin: What? [His pet continues to shrill.] What's going on? [He sinks back and lays down to his pillow in annoyance.] Pabu, sleep!

[Back outside the window, P'Li and Ghazan ducks down an alley between two guest houses while Zaheer and Ming-Hua hide under a window. Zaheer directs his gang onward to the adjacent bedroom window: Korra's. They crouch down beside it, and Ming-Hua raises a water tentacle up and forms a small sickle at the end. She uses the ice sickle to scratch the glass and carves a hole into the window with water bending. Cut to the inside of the room that Ming-Hua is attempting to break into and we see Naga sleeping in front of the bed. Camera pans right to Korra in her pajamas, deeply asleep. Camera returns back to the sickle on the window as it makes a complete circle. Water encases the cut glass and it pulls away quietly off-screen. Another water tentacle arm holding three red darts is soon raised. Naga awakens, hearing the commotion, but she is quickly knocked out by shirshu-spit darts. Korra wakes up to the sound of her whimpering, as Zaheer bends a blast of air into the window. She avoids it and jumps out of her bed, attempting to firebend, but she is hit by a dart as she lands. Ghazan and P'Li enter and pick her up as she loses consciousness. Back to Bolin's room, as Pabu leaps onto the bed to get his owner's full attention.]

Bolin: [As Pabu chatters.] Huh? What? Oh, Pabu. [As the fire ferret jumps back to the window.] It's not play time right now. Okay, we are seriously going to have to have a talk- [Sees an unconscious Korra being held by the fleeing fugitives.] What the heck?! They've got Korra. They've got Korra! [Mako wakes up in the other bed and they quickly exit their room.]

Mako: [Blasts fire at the gang.] Let her go! [Bolin sends at a boulder shortly after Mako's attack, but P'Li absorbs the fire, while Ming-Hua stops the boulder with waterbending. She sends a line of water at the brothers, but Mako counters it with more firebending. P'Li and Zaheer attack, which Mako and Bolin also avoid. They hide behind a pillar. Mako yells to the guards at the top towers.] They've got Korra! [Lights are shone onto the criminals, whose cover is up.]

Ming-Hua: So much for the element of surprise.

Ghazan: Back-up plan.

[P'Li turns and blasts combustion at the guards who are operating the lights. She fires another blast and the impact knocks down Mako and Bolin, who stop right near Asami's door. She runs out to help them.]

Mako: We can't let them take her.

Asami: I don't think they're going to get far. Look!

[One of Zaofu's guards attacks the group, but is easily overpowered. The criminals try to flee, but are stopped in their tracks as they are surrounded with slabs of metal, bent by Lin Beifong. Wei and Wing add onto the pile.]

Kuvira: We have you surrounded. It's over. Release the Avatar!

[Lava begins to flow out from underneath the pile, evidently bent by Ghazan. Lin and the metalbending guards quickly jump back.]

Bolin: No way! That guy is lavabending! That's awesome ... ly not good for us.

[To the point of view of Korra, who begins to regain consciousness.]

Zaheer: I'm going to create some cover. We've got to get out of here!

[He begins to airbend a mask of smoke from Ghazan's lava, but is caught by the wrist by a cable of one of the guards, who is able to reel Zaheer off the platform. Bolin, Mako, Lin, Asami, and the Metal Clan members take cover together behind a slab of metal in order to avoid the criminals' attacks.]

Lin: [To Suyin.] How did they get in here?

Suyin: I don't know, but we're not letting them escape!

[They look over, as three guards use more metal slabs to create a bridge to get to the criminals. Ghazan knocks the guards off with earthbending.]

Asami: There's no way to cross that moat.

Suyin: [Looks up at the ceiling dome.] We don't need to cross it. Lin and I can drop in from the dome on cables.

Lin: [Sarcastically.] That's a great idea. Except we'll get blown up the second that third-eyed freak sees us.

Suyin: She's a combustionbender. If one of you can stun her, her powers will be knocked out temporarily.

Mako: Bolin can land a shot.

Bolin: I can?

Suyin: You have to take her out right before we drop down.

Bolin: I do?

[Cut to the top of the dome.]

Wing: Open the hatch.

Suyin: If we get in trouble, metalbend us up.

Wing: [Into a walkie-talkie.] We're in position.

Mako: Copy that. It's Bolin time.

Bolin: All right. Bolin time. Bolin time! [Bolin fires a boulder at P'Li, but she ducks and avoids it. The criminals immediately start firing attacks toward Mako, Bolin, and Asami's slab. Attacks go back and forth.] I can't get a clean shot!

Mako: You have to!

Wing: [From his walkie-talkie.] Are we a go?

Mako: No go!

Wing: Copy that, we're a go.

Mako: I said no! Wait! [He is too late. Suyin and Lin drop down. Mako peers back at the criminals, who are preoccupied with the guards. P'Li looks up and sees Suyin and Lin.] Bolin, take the shot! [P'Li gets ready to fire, as Bolin quickly shoots another rock at her. The pebble hits her in the forehead, stuns her, and causes her attack to redirect back at the pillars behind the group. The explosion knocks the criminals down, as Suyin and Lin land.] Yes! Good job, little bro!

[Lin picks up Korra and travels with her sister back up toward the dome. Ming-Hua traps her leg with water, but Mako blasts fire at her to break her hold and divert her attention. Meanwhile, Zaheer is busy fighting two guards, but looks up and sees Lin escaping with Korra.]

Zaheer: No!

[Zaheer flies up on his glider in pursuit of Lin. He blasts air at the chief, but she manages to avoid it, and Suyin fires metal shards at the glider to puncture holes in it and stop Zaheer. Zaheer lands back with his companions.]

Lin: Thanks.

Zaheer: We've failed!

[Zaheer successfully creates cover with smoke and the criminals escape. Cut to the top of the dome.]

Lin: Where did they go?

Suyin: They can't be far! [Into a walkie-talkie.] Guards, search the entire estate!

[Cut to Suyin's office, where Korra lies on the couch, waking up.]

Aiwei: [Voice-over.] This should neutralize [His hand slides under Korra's head and a green bottle is placed at her lips.] the shirshu toxins.

[Aiwei tilts the bottle so some of the liquid flows into Korra's mouth. Cut to a side-view of Korra's hand as it slowly twitches and she lifts a finger. Cut to a wider view of the Beifong sisters looking down on the Avatar. Suyin rests her right hand on her chest in relief, though Lin angrily turns to her half-sister, her fists clenched to her sides.]

Lin: [To Suyin.] How could you let this happen?! [Korra brings a knee up.] You assured me this was one of the most [Korra tries to sit up.] secure places in the world.

Suyin: It is. I don't know how this happened. Obviously this was a well-planned operation, so [Frowns at Lin.] don't blame me.

Kuvira: We searched the entire estate. There's no sign of them.

Lin: Well, keep looking! [Kuvira gives a bow and departs. Aiwei stands up.]

Aiwei: It would seem they had some inside knowledge of Zaofu. They must've been working with someone.

Korra: [Sighs.] The- [Puts a hand on her head and sits up.] the guards. It had to be one of them.

Aiwei: I agree.

Suyin: Question them all! Whoever betrayed my city will suffer the consequences!

[Suyin storms off and view changes to the open petal city at day time. Cut to an interrogation room, as Aiwei is seated at one end of a small table, with a guard at the next. Shot gradually shifts as Aiwei asks each question, indicating an elapse of time.]

Aiwei: What is your full name? [Camera fades to a close-up of Aiwei as he questions a second guard.] Where were you last night? [Camera fades again to another shot of Aiwei questioning yet a different guard.] Do you have any knowledge of the people who tried to kidnap the Avatar? [Camera fades to a young male guard.]

First guard: My name is Zhu Guan.

Second guard: [Shot gradually shifts to an older male guard.] I was patrolling the south wall of the Beifong estates.

Third guard: [Shot shifts to a another younger guard again.] I have absolutely no knowledge of the people who tried to kidnap Korra.

[Aiwei looks back at Lin and shakes his head, signaling that this man is not the culprit. Korra looks at Lin defeatedly and Lin nods to Aiwei to question the next suspect. Cut to a view of Varrick's hands on the table.]

Varrick: What was I doing last night? [Camera pans to Varrick's face.] Same thing I always do. From nine to ten, I checked my body for ticks. Lyme disease is a serious killer. [Cut to everyone else in the room looking at him with disbelief.] Then I did my nightly [View changes to Varrick standing up with a leg on a chair and exercising while demonstrating the workout.] Varrick calisthenics, followed by [Stops exercising.] thirty minutes of breath holding. I filmed the whole thing if you want to watch it.

[Cut to Aiwei with a hand on his head. Korra has a hand on her mouth and she looks like she is about to laugh. Mako pinches his nose bridge from annoyance. Suyin has two hands clasped in front of her mouth.]

Aiwei: That won't be necessary.

[Varrick and his assistant leave the interrogation room and close the door behind them.]

Lin: Maybe it wasn't a guard after all. Maybe it was someone a little higher up the food chain. Aiwei, why don't you question Su?

Korra: Lin, stop! Your sister was not involved!

Suyin: No, [Walks over to the chair.] I'll gladly be questioned. I have nothing to hide. [Sits down.]

Aiwei: [Looks to the side, a little reluctantly.] What is your full name?

Suyin: Suyin Beifong. I'm the daughter of Toph and [Glances at Lin.] the only sister to Lin, and I had nothing to do with the attack last night.

Aiwei: [Turns to Lin.] She is telling [Korra sighs with frustration in the background.] the truth.

Korra: This is a waste of time! Just bring in the next guard!

[The next guard walks in and sits down.]

Aiwei: Give me your name and tell me where you are from.

Hong Li: I'm Hong Li. I was born and raised here in Zaofu.

Aiwei: Do you have any knowledge of the people who tried to kidnap the Avatar?

Hong Li: No.

Aiwei: [Stiffens and leans forward.] Did you help the attackers enter Zaofu last night?

Hong Li: No, of course not.

Aiwei: [Calmly.] You're lying.

Hong Li: [Shocked.] What?! No, I'm not! [Suyin walks and storms up to him.]

Suyin: How did they get in and out? [Grabs him by the armor and pulls him out of the chair and slams him against the wall.] Where are they now?

Hong Li: [Fearful.] I don't know! I'm telling you, I didn't help them!

Suyin: You're a traitor to the entire clan!

Aiwei: I suggest we search his place.

[Hong Li's eyes widen and quiver with fright. Cut to an apartment complex which is Hong Li's house, as they search for evidence. Cut to the inside of an apartment with Team Avatar and Aiwei searching for clues. Bolin walks to the kitchen and opens the oven before closing it in disappointment. He stands up and opens a small cupboard above. Cut to Mako's hands separating some papers on a desk and he picks up a small written note.]

Mako: I got something!

Bolin: [Mouth stuffed with cookies.] What? [Bolin puts away the cookie jar and starts to eat. Everyone walks over to Mako.]

Mako: [Reading the note.] It looks like it's from them. [Cut to a close-up of the writing on the note.] "Team assembled. Ready to rendezvous."

Asami: [Hands Aiwei a book.] And look at this.

Aiwei: [Takes the book and opens it as Mako leans over to look.] These are the guards' logbooks. All their schedules and routes are in here.

Korra: That guard knows everything. [Closes the book.] We have to get him to talk.

Mako: Let's go confront him with this evidence right now.

Aiwei: No. [The teens are confused.] Let's give him a little time to sweat it out. He will talk eventually.

[Aiwei walks away. Cut to Mako who forms a slightly suspicious look on his face as he watches the truth seer leave. Location changes to an overhead view of Team Avatar checking out the cooled down moat from last night. Naga is walking around, sniffing the rocks. A few Zaofu guards watch over the crime scene.]

Mako: I don't understand why we're not talking to that guard right now. [Camera changes to a close-up of team on ground.] Every minute we waste here, those guys get further away. I mean, how does a random guard get involved with a group of super criminals anyway?

Asami: What do you mean?

Mako: That guard is only eighteen years old and has lived in Zaofu his entire life. Zaheer and his gang have been in prison for more than thirteen years.

Korra: I don't know, but we all saw the evidence. It's pretty overwhelming.

Varrick: [Pops up from inside a hole, surprising the gang.] Maybe a little too overwhelming?

Bolin: Hey, Varrick. What are you doing here?

Varrick: Collecting pumice stones with Zhu Li. That lavabender did a lot of damage, but he makes a nice exfoliating rock, and when you got callouses like mine, you take all the pumice stones you can get your hands on. Or in my case, feet.

[Varrick laughs, as Zhu Li rubs a stone against his foot, to Team Avatar's disgust.]

Mako: What were you saying about the evidence?

Varrick: I was saying that I can smell a conspiracy when I see one. Look, if I was trying to set someone up, I would tell everyone he's guilty and then plant the evidence in his apartment as proof.

Mako: Oh, you mean exactly like what you did to me?

Varrick: Yes, just like that! Remember how great that worked? Well, not for you.

Mako: You're right. All the evidence points to this guard, but maybe he's just the fallback.

Bolin: But for who?

Mako: For the only person who can truly keep a secret in this city: Aiwei.

[Cut to Team Avatar, outside Aiwei's house. Bolin peeks into the window.]

Bolin: He's not home. Or he's hiding in there. [Gasps.] Or he's invisible. [Mako looks at him very skeptically.] Probably just not home.

Mako: We have to get in there and find some evidence that links Aiwei to Zaheer, otherwise Su won't believe us. [Team Avatar walks in and begins to search. Asami flips through a book on a table.]

Asami: It's just an empty book. [Bolin gains interest in a jar on Aiwei's bookshelf.]

Bolin: Hmm, it's like a desert on a jar.

Mako: Bolin, put that back! We don't want Aiwei to know we were in here if we can't find anything. [Bolin moves to put the jar back, but has forgotten where it was.] You forgot where it goes, didn't you? [Mako puts the jar back on its shelf a few inches from where it originally was. He moves onto the end of the bookshelf, as he sees some marks on the floor.] These look like scuff marks. I think this bookshelf slides open. [He slides the shelf aside to reveal a cellar.]

Korra: What do you think is down there?

Bolin: Could be a storage cellar.

Mako: Or it could be how Zaheer got in and out.

Asami: Aiwei's coming back! Quick.

[The trio run off of the stairs and slide the bookshelf back where it was, as Aiwei enters.]

Aiwei: What are doing in my house? You are trespassing on the property of one of the highest-ranked officials in the city. You'd better have a good explanation.

Bolin: We do. We do. We actually knocked on your front door and we thought we heard you say, [In a higher pitched voice.] 'Come in, I'm in the bathroom!' [Silence as Bolin changes back to his normal voice.] I don't even know why I'm saying that. You know I'm lying, and you don't even sound like that.

Korra: We came here because things weren't adding up, and we thought you might have some answers.

Aiwei: [Gestures to his couch.] Sit. If you want to talk, let's talk over some tea. [Pours green tea into a cup.] Now, what is not adding up exactly? Hong Li was clearly lying and we found evidence in his apartment.

Mako: But don't you think it's weird how young he is? How did he ever get mixed up with this group?

Aiwei: [Walks toward the bookshelf.] Perhaps through a relative, or maybe he was bribed. We will find out those answers in time. But if wasn't him, who do you think it was?

Asami: We don't know.

Aiwei: [Moves the jar back to its original spot.] You don't think I had something to do with this, do you?

Korra: We're just looking for answers.

Aiwei: And you think you've found something, don't you? [Notices the bookshelf has been moved. Pauses as Team Avatar looks at each other nervously.] You have no idea what is coming for you, Avatar.

[Aiwei metalbends his stairs upward. Mako firebends at the new wall, but it has no effect. Korra metalbends into the wall, but only makes a small rupture.]

Mako: Come on, he's getting away!

Korra: I'm still a little new at this, so back off! [Korra manages to break through the wall, and the gang run to the cellar and open the door, only to find a bomb, which promptly goes off, but Korra airbends to protect herself and her allies from the impact.] Ugh!

Mako: He's gone.

Korra: [Sees a small opening nearly covered by debris.] Look, he must've escaped through there! Help me clear it out.

[Bolin and Korra do so with earthbending to reveal a tunnel entrance, as Lin and Suyin run into the room.]

Lin: What happened? We heard an explosion.

Suyin: Where's Aiwei?

Korra: Your trusted adviser is the one who betrayed us. He was lying about the guard.

Suyin: What? No!

Korra: We confronted him and he bolted through here.

[Lin uses seismic sense on the tunnel.]

Lin: He must have collapsed the tunnel behind him.

Mako: And he rigged an explosion to destroy any evidence that might have been here.

Korra: This is where Zaheer got in and out. Aiwei was the traitor.

Suyin: [Saddened.] I ... trusted him.

Kuvira: [Runs in.] Is everyone okay?

Lin: Aiwei is a fugitive. Get all available guards to search the mountainside, and find out where this tunnel exits immediately!

[Kuvira obeys, and Lin walks over to comfort her sister. Cut back to Suyin's office, where the Beifong sisters and Team Avatar are sitting. Kuvira runs to the door.]

Lin: What did you find?

Kuvira: We located the end of the tunnel, but there's no sign of him. Just some fresh tire tracks. [Leaves.]

Mako: He had an escape plan all ready to go.

Suyin: I trusted him with my life. I thought we were family, but it was all a lie.

Mako: Whoever these guys are, they're more powerful than we thought, and more dangerous.

Korra: That's why we have to find them. We're going to hold off our search for airbenders and hunt down Aiwei. Naga can track his scent.

Asami: And I bet if we find Aiwei, we'll find Zaheer.

Lin: No! We're not hunting this group. There could be other secret agents in other parts of the world looking for you right now! I'm taking you back to Republic City, where I can protect you.

Korra: If I wasn't safe here, then I'm not safe anywhere. I have to stop them!

Lin: It's too dangerous! You are not going!

Korra: Stop trying to protect me! I'm the Avatar. This is my job!

Lin: Don't lecture me about jobs!

Suyin: Enough! Korra, listen to Lin.

Korra: But ... they ...

Suyin: Please. Lin's only looking out for you. I promise you, Aiwei and everyone he's working with will be brought to justice.

Korra: Fine, if you really think it's best.

Suyin: I do.

Lin: Thank you, Su.

Suyin: Everyone should get some rest tonight. I'll have my people prep your airship and you can leave first thing in the morning.

[Cut to Team Avatar's apartment. There's a knock at the door. Korra opens it to find Suyin.]

Korra: Su.

Suyin: You really think Naga could track Aiwei?

Korra: Definitely.

Suyin: Then, here. [Hands Korra keys.] There's a jeep packed with supplies on the east gate. It's all gassed up and ready to go.

Korra: What? Why?

Suyin: Because I want you to hunt down Aiwei and bring him back to me.

Bolin: But you said -

Suyin: I said what Lin wanted to hear and I bought you guys some time. Go. I'll deal with Lin in the morning.

Korra: Let's get this guy! [Hugs Suyin.] Thanks.

[Cut to Korra, riding on Naga, with the rest of Team Avatar in the jeep behind her. Cut to credits.]
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