

Once the world was faceless
And dusty pop coloured like an old cartoon
I ran to you, I ran to you
Missed a step on the stairs
Didn’t know it was there
Appeared to me, appeared to me
No face to ask in tongues
Are you lost O Love Divine
O no not me, no not me
I just didn’t know you
Know you as mine

When I five dumbstruck realised
Something of that normative duality that I should live
The Orthrus humming over the sink
And us, lion and sphynx

No not me, no not me
I just didn’t know you
Know you as mine

Happy life you live
You conservative
Pound for Paula
By court order
Busy making numbers smaller

The most I feel for you is a dry sticky throat
Swollen swallow a lot
Green tint to my eye
A bruising sky
My gratitude goes in two by two
Another dove swooped
When she thin and blue
Was quiet all the way to school
My blood turns cool
Shivers and throbs
I am scared of God
Save me from His image

My blood turns cool
Shivers and throbs
I am scared of God
Save me from His image

Happy life you live
You conservative
Pound for Paula
By court order
Busy making numbers smaller

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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