Raised to Be Lowered lyrics


Saul Williams

[Saul Williams]
...To manifest your dreams before you manifest your fears
To navigate beyond the treachery of self despair
To find the balance between all you sense and all you see
To find the patience and the strength it takes to let it be
To stand amongst the crowd and have the strength to hold your own

To throw away the pen and pad and simply be the poem
To rise above hatred to love through seeming contradiction
To seldom take a side and learn to compliment the friction
To bring about the change within that we can't live without
To shift and re-arrange ideals and learn to deal with doubt
To voice the victory and unlearn ways of self-defeat
To learn the value of, "Yo, f*ck the words just ride the beat"
To leave the comfort zones of all you know to all you feel
To step beyond the void and realize the unknown is real
To re-imagine every obstacle as just means of honing craft and learn to laugh at failures funny dream

[Hook: Saul Williams]
There has to be some other way to stop the fight
I was raised to be lowered
Was I raised to be lowered? I was raised to be lowered
Was I raised to be lowered?

Each day we sing and pray for guidance through the night
I was raised to be lowered
Was I raised to be lowered?
I was raised to be lowered
Was I raised to be lowered?
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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