Welcome black night lyrics


John Dowland

Welcome black night, Hymens faire day
Help Hymen Loves due debt to pay
Loves due debt is chaste delight
Which if the turtles want to night
Hymen forfets his Dietie
And night in love her dignitie
Help, help blacke night Hymens faire day
Help Hymen Loves due debt to pay

Hymen, O Hymen, myne of treasures more divine
What dietie is like to thee that freest from mortalitie?

Stay (happy paire) stay but a while
Hymen comes not, love to beguile
These sports are alluring baites
And sawce are to Loves sweetest Cates:
Longing hope doth no hurt but this
It heightens Loves attained blisse
Then stay (most happie) stay a while
Hymen comes not, Love to beguile

Hymen, O Hymen, myne of treasures more divine
What dietie is like to thee that freest from mortalitie?
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