The Mandela Catalogue - Intruder Alert lyrics
by Alex Kister
The episode begins on a close-up of 6's face. They say "I am inside your home."
Tape One
Cut to "Mandela County Child Endangerment Awareness Association presents... Keep An Eye On Your Children!" an educational movie for adults; soft piano music plays. The movie begins with a female voice sympathizing for working adults, but also clarifying that your children need attention so they know we love them. It lists off multiple things used to entertain young children, such as toys, walks in a stroller, or even cartoons of thе family television. The shot lingеrs on the television as the music stops, and we see 6's face slowly appears for the televison.
The movie warns parents to monitor what their children may be watching, as they could be exposed to violent content, sexual content, graphic content, or scary imagery. As the words fade, "they exist on different spectrums" is typed out on screen.
Cut to a couple outside their child's room, the voice advises parents that, if they hear their child crying in front of the television to wait until they stop making noise. The voice is cut out as the sound of a baby crying and singing begins playing. The mother enters the room as the crying can still be heard. She checks the crib only to find her baby missing.
The singing continues, revealed to be coming directly from the television. The mother walks up to and looks at the televison, greeted by 6, smiling. The music stops and the mother steps back, slowly beginning to raise into the air. A lightswitch is heard and the normal visuals switch to realism. The crib has changed to a coffin and the mother is revealed to have hanged herself, as the music continues. "distraught at the sight of her missing infant" displays repeatedly and the movie cuts.
Tape Two
An Emergency Alert Broadcast is shown. Local authorities have issued a immediate safety warning. A total of 3,426 children have gone missing within Bythrone, Werksha, Mandela, and Yonder County. Authorities instruct listeners to deter vulnerable children away from any television or medium that can project possibly frightening imagery.
Tape Three
Following the reported sounds of prolonged crying and a loud crack, Mandela County Police Department sent an investigator to survey the home in photo and video form. The investigator took one photo of the house and immediately left due to an overwhelming sense of dread.
An on-site officer later volunteered to set up a security camera within the home. The camera faces the room in which the incident occurred and takes a photo every five minutes. Throughout the night, the lights within the house would turn off, and occasionally 6 can be seen in the dark. At 6:40 A.M., the mother's body is seen being toyed with by an invisible force.
In conclusion, the Mandela County Police Department declare the suspect unidentifiable and have ruled out the possibility of it being an alternate. The photos are sent to higher-ups for further analysis.
"Previously shown evidence should not, and will not, be released to the public for any reason." signed by Lieutenant Davis.