Shadow lyrics


Pain Killaz

I need to get this off my chest
Yet again I still sound so f*cking depressed
Why can't this all go away, why can't this all go away
Nothing seems to interest me so I might as well just do nothing
Looking at my shadow, just to see the real me
My depression should have killed me 5 years ago
Back then I said f*ck the world
Because I hate everyone and everything I know
Look at my shadow and see who I was
Look at your shadow and see who you are

I wanted to kill myself, but I won't do it now
I wanted to kill myself, but I won't do it now
I wanted to kill myself, but I won't do it now
I wanted to kill myself, but I won't do it now
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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