[Verse 1]
Baby, let's drive to Madonna Inn
It's a honeymoon, I'm gonna see you swoon
Giddy with love in the Caveman Room
I'll drape you in printed sheets of zebra skin
At Madonna Inn
[Verse 2]
Baby, let's drive to Madonna Inn
We'll have a ball, they got rocks on the wall
A urinal that looks just like a waterfall
Tonight we'll get that nice pink sauna skin
At Madonna Inn
[Chorus 1]
Well, say hello to Saint Luis Obispo
It's got its very own city, it's waiting at our beck and call
And who needs that boring old San Francisco?
They got the Golden Gate, we'll call it second-rate
Once we've kissed by the bubblegum wall
[Verse 3]
Baby, let's drive to Madonna Inn
I've saved up my dough, just so you know
You're my Lady Madonna, I'm your Holy Joe
We'll do everything righteous that your mama calls sin
At Madonna Inn
[Chorus 2]
For every guest, in the desk they've got a Gideon's Bible
Come Sunday morning, everything in there's true
But Friday night is no time right for revival
We'll stay on our toes, keep that little door closed
And do what good cave people do
[Verse 1]
Baby, let's drive to Madonna Inn
It's a honeymoon, I'm gonna see you swoon
Giddy with love in the Caveman Room
I'll drape you in printed sheets of zebra skin
At Madonna Inn
Tonight we'll get that nice pink sauna skin
At Madonna Inn
We'll do everything righteous that your mama calls sin
At Madonna Inn