Got Me Down lyrics


John Webster

And this is the way it's going to be
I gave him away and now I'm free
But he was the life I was meant to lead
There's nothing left of me
But this is my melody
And why must the night crawl by like this
And why do we dwell on what we'll miss
I've got to be careful what I wish
My happiness was his but this is my goodbye kiss
He got me down
And now I'm only singing for my health
Got me down and now I can't get up myself
Got me down turn around and tell me when it's over
And it's time for me to get up off the ground
And there's nothing really left to say
But this could not wait another day
Cause' something confusing but okay has got me in its sway
This is my getaway and though I try to hear you
Now I think we've built a wall of sound betwwen us
And though you know I love you
I think we've both just lost the will
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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