White Lightning lyrics


Florida Georgia Line

[Verse 1]
She stole my heart
Faster than a heat seeking missile on a mission
Faster than a bass to a hook when daddy's fishing
Faster than a walnut rolls off a hen house
Faster than a whiskey shot goes down down south

Ooh, I saw white lightning
Ooh, I saw white lightning

[Verse 2]
Faster than McQueen running them red lights
Faster than the Duke boys jumping that hillside
Faster than Elvis could shake, rattle, roll
Faster than the skirt flyin' up on Monroe, I said

Ooh, I saw white lightning, I said
Ooh, I saw white lightning
Ooh, I saw white lightning

[Verse 3]
Faster than #3 breaking every record
Faster than a tree dies in the desert
Faster than that bug splattered on my windshield
Faster than you die when you take too many pills
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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