Schwarzenegger lyrics
by Quixotic
Hi, this is Arnold Schwarzenegger
Every time you tell people, that you want to do something big, you want to get to the top, anything... they will say you're crazy, you can never do it
I think that's the very thing, that I need to get inspired, and to get hungry. I really get hungry when people say "you can't do it". That's when I really get the drive
Or when I went to America, and I got into acting, everybody wanted me to change my name. Because the people started saying "Schwarz and schnitzel", and "Schwarzen-heimen-pleimen-chem"... nobody could pronounce it
They were complaining about everything about me, and not just about the name. They say if a strange body, if a strange accent, if a strange name - forget it, you will never make it in movies!
I kept a lot of those things: I still have a strange accent, the strange body. The uniqueness of name became the strong point now, and now people can't forget the name