Peppy lyrics


Ball Park Music

[Verse 1]
I got pepped up, I got wired
I got free tickets, then I got tired
I got organised and I did less
I stayed inside, I did nothing
I got proud of myself for one second
But the guilt just bled right out of my ancient body

[Verse 2]
And I got ideas we can implement
I got poems, got a whole instrument
I got violence, I got peace
I got friends and policemen

You don't need to feel this way
You don't need to feel this way anymore

[Verse 3]
I got a face transplant near down by the river
Got the shakes when I saw you, my heart, my lungs were his
But my liver is bold, got the blues
Got me begging for a holiday

[Verse 4]
But it's a hit, beat the sh*t, plead the smiling for a while
No, keep relaying the force, it's the turning of tables
It is the spinning of plates, it is a joke in the paper
Work the shred, ex-military models in the modern world
You don't need to feel this way
You don't need to feel this way anymore
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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