Nature lyrics


JAY-Z & Kanye West

Flowers are colorful like a rainbow
Shines in the sky thought a butterfly on
When rain pours a time that many sea
Creatures under the ocean

Is it cool to see a tree on the ground
Nature is a great capture for the world
Mean it that many animals

Living is not enough one must have
Sunshine freedom and a little flower look
Deep in the nature and you will understand how
The beauty is it

Nature is always wears the spirit
Of colors. the earth has a music for those
Who listen in my sight I can see ponds lakes
And rivers flow

Never knew that nature has a beauty and
Has many trees and oceans in my opinion we need to
Take care our nature never cut trees

Thank you for all the world I love nature
Colorless ideas sleep furiously every walk with
Nature one receives far more than we seek

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