Fresh Finds: Pop 2/2/2022 lyrics
by Spotify
Aspen - Jamisen
Best F-ing Life - Lynnea M
Better Alone - West
Better People to Leave on Read - Emei
Body Language - Alexa Cappelli
Cherry - Blithe
Clean Up In Aisle 4 - JEN Z
Come, Cry - Metteson
Fake Friends - Ann@lise
Fantasy - Cariss Auburn
Flip Ohone - janiegiirl
f*ck Being Famous - Zekey
Hate Me - Abbey Cone
Hit the Lights - Jon Rivera
Hollywood - Ariela Jacobs
I'd Bе Down - Balcony Weekend
Innerbloom - Charly Jordan, Zekеy
Never Was You - Tayler Holder
Numbers - Levi Evans
The one - Papa, anatu
Panic Attack - Caroline Romano
Parents - OAKLND, The New Coast
Pink Walls - Elle Lexxa
Prescriptions - Julianna Joy
Rituals - Kazi Jay
Strangers With Memories - Malen
Talk - Josh Bogert
Tennis - Molly Annelle
Too Much - esmerelda
Top of My School - Katherine Lynn-Rose
TOXIC - Bee Arnold
Why you so sad? - wax works