Some Kind of Monster - Film Transcript lyrics



So, what we're gonna do is,

we're gonna play back

some of the band's new songs.

There'll be no cameras allowed

in there.

There'll be no video,

no bags in there.

You can only walk in

with paper and a pencil.

- We're ready.

- Are there any questions?

You want a single?

Camera over here.

Was there ever a moment you

thought about stopping with Metallica

or the whole band was falling apart?

Was it a kind of a power struggle

between you and him?

How did you manage

to solve this crisis?

Where in God's name are you

getting this aggression from

on this new album?

Where's it coming from?

Why did it take so long to release

an album with the new songs?

After years,

is it possible to retain the fire

that, you know, you guys once had

at the beginning?

Do you think the young generation of

metal fans will accept the new album?

Eighty-five million records, years.

I think it's albums

and various official releases.

One word.

Oh, my God.

One word to span our career?

We are scanning the scene

In the city tonight

We're looking for you

To start up a fight

There is an evil feeling in our brains

But it's nothing new

You know it drives us insane

Running, on our way

Hiding, you will pay

Dying, deaths

Running, on our way

Hiding, you will pay

Dying, deaths


Seek and destroy


Seek and destroy

Thank you!

After years of headbanging,

Metallica bassist Jason Newsted

has quit the band, citing:

"Private and personal reasons

and the physical damage that I've done

to myself over the years

while playing the music I love."

Metallica's management had no

comment when asked by MTV News

if there's a replacement

waiting in the wings.

But the band is still scheduled to begin

recording a new album this spring.

That's the news for now.

Stay tuned for more news.

I mean, I think everybody understands

the concept of trusting instincts.

That's getting to a place where

you don't let egos and let stuff

get in the way of artistic expression.

You know?

I mean, do you wanna say more?

I think everybody understands...

I met Metallica through

Q Prime Management,

after having seen me work

with another band of theirs,

when they called

and said that Metallica,

with Jason announcing

that he was exiting the group,

needed to take a look

at itself and say:

"Well, what's going on here? We've lost

touch with our personal relationships,"

and face some of the issues that I think

Q Prime felt that they were headed for.

You know, we haven't really worked

together for almost nine months.

When we were talking a couple

of days ago about whether--

You know, if we wanted

to do this film or not,

I was wondering if having these

guys in here would affect that.

Because I'm just--

There's an intimacy that you get

when it's just a few people

in the room,

and I'm just wondering

if that's gonna get lost,

if we're gonna go back

to sort of, like,

battling each other and trying

to be, like, all strong and--

What intimacy?

What the f*ck are you talking about?

I think, to me, it's not gonna

be a matter of whether

the cameras are in play,

but whether or not you guys

are free enough

to risk being seen by other people.

We're here in the Presidio

in San Francisco,

and this is gonna be the location

where Metallica

is gonna start recording

their next album.

We decided that we didn't wanna

go back into a studio again

and do kind of, like, the same thing

we had done before.

We had to kind of change things up.

And this is one of the things

that we talked about,

was to go into a space

that's not a studio,

bring in kind of, like, a portable studio

or a makeshift studio,

and basically make

the situation uncomfortable.

You know, don't buy new furniture,

don't paint the walls.

Don't do anything.

Just keep it Spartan, keep it crude.

They're such a success

that you can get comfortable.

I don't think they wanna be


There's definitely a vibe in here.

They got a lot of attitude,

and I think they want it

to come out on this next album.

How did you approach

this record differently?

Did you talk about things, did you

have ideas, keywords, things like that,

that you wanted to put across

before you started

putting the whole thing together?

Well, ego was a big one.

Coming in here

and not bringing a riff,

not bringing a song,

not bringing a title. Nothing.

Me and James did not meet

somewhere else

and come in here with material,

with songs, with music.

This time we all got in a room

and just started playing.

And that's how we wrote songs.

The idea is it should

sound like a band getting together

in a garage for the first time.

Only the band's Metallica.

I really like going fast.

Just go off and meditate

in the wind, you know.

As corny as it sounds, it works,

and it feels good.

It's a good way to just let the weight

of the world off every once in a while.

It is-- It is kind of strange being,

you know,

like, a famous guy. You know.

This is-- This is part of me

that's trying to be unfamous, I guess.

But it's also

go-against-the-rules attitude.

You know, is this a big pose?

I mean, yes, this is a pose.

I mean, am I driving down the street

to not get noticed in this thing?

I mean, "rebellious" is kind of

what this says, I would say.

- Have you got a plug-in here?

- Wait.

So, what exactly are you doing?

Well, you'll just hold it

above the pickups.

Oh, okay. I got you.


Give me fuel, give me fire

Give me that which I desire

I got some bad news.

Gonna have to--

Change the lyrics?

I like this thing, Bob.

- What?

- I like this thing.

I used to kid myself that art was

my great escape away from music.

And I think I've become

increasingly aware

that my interest in art, music

and Metallica

is not separate from anything.

You know, where does he feel

that there's enough

of that kind of gold thing?

How come there isn't

another strokes

up in that black area up there,

where it's kind of bare?

Where are the starting points

and the end points,

if you know what I mean?

When's a song done?

What the f*ck does

that mean, anyway? Done.

When's a record done?

You know, where does a record start?

Where does it end?

Where does the process start?

Where does the process end?

All that type of stuff.

Do you know what I mean?

- Daddy!

- It's really interesting.

Yes, sweetie.

I don't feel anything great there.

I don't think

it's that great of a riff either.

- How do you hear the riff then?

- I like that:

And then:


In nine days, it'll be

my two-year anniversary of surfing.

It's taken the place of a lot

of bad things in my life.

So I basically stopped doing

the drugs that I was doing

and cut way back on my drinking.

You can't surf

when you're hung-over.

You can't surf if you've been up

all night. Well, at least I can't.

There's a sort of individualism,

also, about surfing that I like.

I mean, when it's your moment, man,

that's your moment and yours alone.

And no one can help you.

For all intents and purposes, we go

into this record completely equal.

Everybody contributing

just as much on the lyric front

as James contributing

with drum parts and...

As soon as you started talking

about that, I just like...

Yeah. Yeah. You flash back now.


You wanna hear it with vocals?

Go sing it.

You guys had some rules

about that before.

Quite frankly, I don't give a f*ck.

I'm tired of arguing.

You couldn't talk about his lyrics,

therefore, he couldn't talk about

your drumming.

- Right.

- Do you know what I mean?

And you and him did the solos,

so you weren't allowed to comment

on the solos.

Do you know what I mean?

There was, like, rules.

Are you telling me that

those boundaries are gone now?

In the past, what we did was

started with a bunch of ideas existing

on tape from everybody.

Then me and James would sit down

and turn those ideas into songs.

And then we would tell the rest

of the band what to play

and when to play

and how to play it.

There was never any,

just, other ways of doing it.

You know, it's a whole new thing

for me.

You know, writing in front

of everybody,

because I've always just gone

into my own head

and wrote stuff down,

instead of taking things from outside

and putting them down.

What I was thinking is, is like--

"These are the hands that--"

"This is the face that--"

So it's, like--

Building a Frankenstein

or something?

- Yeah. Pretty much.

- Building what?

- "This is the top of my head that's flat."

- A Frankenstein.

"These are my bolts..."

We're on the same

stream of consciousness here.

We're just all working

on the same creative wavelength.

And it's inspiring to me.

Now I can further express myself

with these lyrics

now that, you know, James has

opened that door for Lars and I.

- This is "clay," right?

- Yeah.

- Not "clam."

- Clay.

"These hands finger the clam."

These are the eyes

That can't see through me

This is the tongue

That speaks on the inside

Make sure you really, like,

spit "can't see me."

These are the eyes

That can't see me!

These are the eyes

That can't see me

These are the hands

That drop your trust

- "This is the--"

- Yeah.

This is the eye--


This is the eye

That can't see me

This is the hand

That drops your trust

These are the boots

That kick you around

This is the voice of silence no more

- What is this about?

- Well, I mean, I said Frankenstein.

It's not that far off,

talking about pieces of things.

So, I mean, some kind of monster.

Some kind of monster?

- You know?

- Some kind of monster.

- It is-- It is good.

- You know what I mean?

I like that.

Some kind of monster

Some kind of monster

The monster lives

"We come now to create

our album of life.

Throughout our individual

and collective journeys,

sometimes through pain and conflict,

we've discovered the true meaning

of family.

As we accomplish ultimate


we become healers of ourselves

and the countless who embrace us

and our message.

We have learned,

and we understand.

Now we must share."

- So that's just--

- A mission statement.

- A what statement?

- Mission statement.

- Mission?

- Yeah, mission.

- It's like-- You know, it sets a goal,

- Right.

so you just can, like, just always be

reminded of, you know--

You know, what the ultimate goal is.

All right.

It's my world, you can't have it

It's my world, you can't have it

It's my world, you can't have it

It's my world, my world

You can't have it



Come on, little man. Let's go.

Skylar, do you want your purse?

- Daddy.

- I'll come. I'll come.

Come, Daddy. Come, Daddy.

I don't know how you guys feel, but

it's really awesome what we're doing.

The four of us can just go

in a f*cking room

and roll that kind of sh*t

out of our sleeves.

Pull it out of thin air, man.

It's so exciting, because

that has just never happened before.

I couldn't get to sleep last night,

because I was still wired from it all.

How do you feel? You don't

seem really psyched about it.

What the hell.

- How's it going? Good to see you.

- Yeah, thank you.

- How many bears did you kill?

- Two.

Russia's f*cked up.

You know, it was like,

you put a bottle of water here

on the table.

That was it,

a bottle of vodka sitting there.

- Did you drink vodka?

- Hell, yeah.

- You did?

- What else is there to drink?

As soon as you got there,

it was like, "Na zdoroviya!"

Na zdoroviya!

That's a pretty big bear.

- Is bear edible?

- They were no good to eat.

That freaked me out when

they didn't take any meat.

You know, they have been hibernating

for three months,

so they haven't p*ssed or sh*t

or nothing.

- Oh, so they're toxic?

- Yeah.

Third day, I killed my bear,

and I was just in camp

for the rest of the time.

I was like, "Oh, my God."

- Worked on lyrics?

- Yeah. I actually did.

That was a lot of time, man.

A lot of time.

I worked on lyrics in Siberia.

How to drink vodka

and work on lyrics.


Wreck my head


Make you dead


Sucks my soul


Fill no hole


f*ck you up


No, no, no, no

I can't say no

Can't say no



No, no, no

Can't say no

Oh, no

I can't say no

Go away

Leave me be

Just leave me be

So, what were the reactions you got

from those close?

I mean, how did the family react?

I'm just-- I don't know.

Sometimes I'm a real ass about it

and just come in and say,

"Oh, by the way,

I'm going to Russia for two weeks

right here."

You know, and, "What?" You know.

Yeah, I'm getting better at that,

you know,

because that was the most

I missed my family ever.

- You know?

- Right.

And it was, you know,

Castor's first birthday I missed.

- Right.

- And it was--

Of course, we had a little vodka

to Castor.

Did a little shot for him

and everything.

But I would've loved to have

been able to get ahold of home.

Who's here?

This is Daddy working.

- This is where Dad works?

- Yeah.

- What does your dad do for work?

- Drums.

- He plays drums?

- Yeah.

- Let me play drums.

- Is he good at it?

- Daddy, wanna play drums?

- I played drums a lot today already.

I'm okay. You play for a while.

- Those guys,

- That's very good.

you know, their plate is filled

with many, many things.

And music is just one of the things.

- Say, "Bye, James."

- Bye, James.

Bye, buddy.

I chose not to have children

and do those kind of things.

My music, that's my children.

You know?

Daddy's gonna stay and work

for a little while.

But since I decided to do it

with music,

then that's what I have

to fill my time with.

Echobrain is one of the projects

that I've been working on for years.

And now it's come to fruition.

And then when it comes to the time

where my main cat, James,

tells me that basically

he couldn't be in a band with me

if I did the--

Took this other project to this level.

And after years of working

together and going on buses

and, you know, the stories, man...

There was no way that this thing

that I was doing

could affect the monster of Metallica.

I just don't see how it could.

And so-- And saying things like that,

I couldn't accept that kind of

limited acceptance.

I also know that this relationship

is not over.

You know, he'll-- It'll come

around again at some point.

You guys will make contact.

At that time the managers suggested

that we have a psychotherapist

come in,

a man that meets

with pro-ball teams,

you know, big-ego, big-dollar guys

that can't get along

but have to make

some kind of entity flow

so everybody else and everybody

can make their money.

And I actually said:

"I think that this is

really f*cking lame

and weak that we

cannot get together. Us.

Look, the biggest heavy band

of all time.

And the things we've been through,

and decisions we've made

about squillions of dollars

and squillions of people.

And this, we can't get over this?"

Was it more than just

the Echobrain thing?

Because that's, like, you know,

what has been discussed.

He felt like he wasn't free enough

to do what he needed to do.

Since he wasn't getting his creativity

out enough in Metallica,

he needed to get it out

somewhere else.

And I totally understand that now.


On my side of that was,

I didn't want him to enjoy that

more than Metallica.

I didn't want anyone

to leave Metallica.

I didn't want to feel

that we weren't enough

or something like that.

And it was-- Through my--

I guess the way I learned how

to love things

was just to choke them to death.

You know?

"Don't go anywhere. Don't leave."

You know?

"You have to stay here."


Need a pen, none of this pencil sh*t.

Check it out, man,

he can't even f*cking spell it right.


We've only been together years.

I feel guilty that I'm not inspired

all the time.

You know, especially

when everyone else is.

It's like, "Okay."

We kind of get to the point

where the song is looped twice

in the Pro Tools,

and I know Bob's gonna hit me up

for some kind of lyric ideas.

"Oh, sh*t." I was, like,

dreading the whole process.

It's like, "Why are you dreading it?

Why don't you just--?"

Well, you're dreading it

because of what?

- Let's get to the fear.

- Well, because I didn't have anything.

- And so if you didn't have anything--

- Wasn't inspired enough

to have something or letting down

the team or some vibe like that.

One, two, three, five.

Say it, I'm lonely, yeah

Motherf*cking in my head

It's like I'm almost,

like, racing against time.

There's, like, weird-ass fear of like:

"I gotta come up with something

myself really quick

before somebody else comes up

with something for me."

And then if I don't like it

or don't percent embrace it,

then I'm just being a selfish,

you know, insular as*h*le.

It's a fear response.

When we're up against a fear,

that's the time to move into it,


Because there's going to be

some kind of genius there

or some kind of breakthrough.

Motherf*cker, yeah

Metallica. Metallica.



Kirk. Kirk!

- Kirk.

- Kirk!

- Kirk.

- Kirk!

- Yes.

- Kirk.

- James is trying to talk to you.

- Sorry, man.

Yeah, it's a bit stock.

Check it out, guys.

I don't know how you feel.

I'm in a sh*t mood.

And I'm not digging it right now.

Even last night, I gotta tell you,

everybody kind of looked--

I hate to tell you, looked pretty burnt.

I agree.

And if we don't start earlier

and end earlier, I'm just--

I'm not gonna be in a good mood

for the rest of this sh*t, you know?

That was totally weird for me.

You hear that, Bob?

Why don't you try getting

a more solid beat.

- Regular.

- Oh, well, you can call it regular.

- You called it regular.

- No, I'm trying not to call it regular,

because I know it bugs you

when I call it regular.

So a little more solid, then.


Maybe we should talk

about next week.

- Well, all next week is therapy.

- Yeah.

Do we have to do that?

Can we sack Phil?

I mean, we gotta find--

We gotta find a balance to not--

You know, the Phil stuff's important,

and I hope we all feel that that's

an investment in the music.

It's an important part of the record.

Get all holy again

Let me just go put one together.

Get all holy again

- It's just real confusing sounding.

- It's just jacking the vocals all up.

I mean-- I mean,

it's clever and everything.

But, I mean, I don't see

what it does to the--

I think that's how you hear it, dude.

That's fine.

I'm just trying to do something


I mean, I'm-- I'm used to having

the drummer do the beat part.

You know what I mean?

Holding it together.

What I'm hearing is...

Choose my words carefully here.

It's pretty straightforward.

And the guitar sh*t, it's--

You know, it's a little stock.

So I started trying to introduce

some kind of edge to it on the drums.

Those things we throw out

to each other are complete bullsh*t.

You know? "It sounds too stock.

It sounds too normal to me."

I mean--

You know what I mean?

You're saying this sh*t

so you can get your point across

about doing a drum beat.

I mean... You know,

it doesn't hold any water.

- To you.

- It doesn't.

I think it's f*cking stock. What--?

Which part of that is unclear to you?

I think it sounds stock to my ears.

I mean, do you want me

to write it down? I think--

- Oh, yeah, please write it down.

- It feels stock, okay?

- I can't hear you.

- So l--

No, when you say-- You're telling

me what to play, right now.

You're telling me, "You should

play with what Kirk's doing."

- And I'm telling you it's stock.

- Dude, fine.

You know what, you guys, why don't

we just go in and hammer it out,

all right, instead of hammering

on each other.

We're in sh*t moods, and we're not

gonna get anything done here today.

- All you wanna do is pick a fight.

- I don't wanna pick a fight.

This is so silly.

You're just sitting there going:

"I'm in a really p*ssy mood and--"

And I f*cking told you

straight up that I was!

- Right.

- And what are you trying to do?

I'm not trying to do f*cking sh*t.

You're just sitting here

being a complete di*k.

You're-- You're really helping matters.

You're really good at that.

I was straight up with you,

and I told you, I'm in a sh*t mood.

And what have you been doing?

f*cking picking at me all night.

Come on, guys.

We've got better things to do.

Yeah, I do. I do.

Metallica front man, James Hetfield,

has entered a rehabilitation facility

to undergo treatment for alcoholism

and other undisclosed addictions.

In a statement posted

on Metallica's official website,

the band writes, "James has entered

an undisclosed facility,

and he will continue to receive

treatment until further notice.

Until then we have postponed

all current activities,

including recording sessions

for our new album."

Metallica, whose hard-partying ways

earned them the nickname Alcoholica,

have been working on their follow-up

to the double disc...

I think it's easy to see that,

in those days,

Metallica brought a kind of

physicality to rock 'n' roll.

Let's say the Beatles,

the Rolling Stones,

you know, and all that inspired

some of the British rock music

that then developed after that.

And let's say the metal music

and Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath

and all of that.

And then, out of that again,

then, let's say,

then came Lars

and all of that and being--

So I think that they have certainly

a place in all of that, I think.

Lars had a very good vision

at the time

of where he saw that particular--

You know, the metal music going,

because he could see it

with European ears and eyes maybe.

Don't you feel that it's great for you

to have your father's perspective on

who you are and what you're doing?

I think that's incredible.

You talk about the lineage...

Which we did,

we talked a little bit

about your grandfather.

It's very difficult to admit it,

especially with him standing next to me.

It's easier to talk about it

when he's not in my presence.


Of course it is.

What would you--?

What would you say in private?

- To who?

- To anybody, without him here.

Say it.

You know, what would it be?

Well, I mean, I've already said it

to you countless times.

Well, have you said it to him?

You brought it up. I didn't bring it up.

What is it you feel you've said

that you're not saying now?

I think maybe in some ways

some of the--

To me that's--

Fear of status quo comes a little bit

from this direction over here.

I think that--

I mean, there's nothing worse

than when I have to go to him

and play the new record

and know there's something

on there that sucks.

And he can see right through that

in two and a half seconds flat.

Comments on that one?

I would say, you know, if you said:

"If you were our adviser,

what would you say?"

Then I would say, "Delete that."

I mean-- I mean,

I don't know for you guys.

For me, it doesn't cut it.

You know?

- But--

- Interesting. I mean, it's interesting.

You know, now-- I mean, other

than the people involved here,

the only other people who've heard

any of this music is Cliff Burnstein.

When Cliff Burnstein heard that, he

thought that should open the record.

Yeah. I mean, that could well be.

But I'm pretty sure that--

That I really-- That I really--

I really don't think so.

You know?

I really don't think so.

- Right.

- For me, that--

That doesn't sound right

or something. You know?

Unless I'm a guy

that's kind of shouting

in some kind of echo chamber.

So I think one

of our responsibilities here

is to act like a band

that's still continuing.

We're going on.

We're doing our exploring.

We're exploring ourselves individually,

we're exploring our relationships.

And we really need to get together,

talk about this,

act like the band exists,

because it does exist.

And if we don't do that,

then we are the coproducers

of the process slipping off the planet.

This is a bit

of a sh*t sandwich, though.

What does it--?

The unravelling of a band?

And then there were two?

So a good friend of mine

phoned me.

And he knew where James was.

- Really?

- Yeah.

He couldn't even imagine James

doing anything for six months.

I'm prepared for the worst.

I'm pretty confident that, you know,

we will come together

when the time is right.

But knowing when

that time will come,

or not knowing

when that time will come,

is very, very uncomfortable.

I hope that at some point

he will come back

and try and finish the making

of this record.


If he walked away from Metallica,

I'm not sure

that it would surprise me.

Say your prayers, little one

Don't forget, my son

To include everyone

I've always felt that James

was a softer, more caring,

compassionate person than he

allowed himself to be to most people.

I can remember

from the Dave Mustaine days,

I mean, when him and Dave Mustaine,

these guys, they started right away

with their big, you know,

chests beating and their mannerisms,

and the whole thing was very much

about this kind of, like, macho--

It was just, like--

I couldn't deal with that stuff.

And looking back on, I mean,

what was that, years ago,

I mean, I just felt so alienated,

because it was just so far removed

from the upbringing

that I come from.

Well, here's to you, my friends.

But then, at the same time,

I'm starting to realizing now

that the sort of depressive things

that show up

as a result of the alcohol

and stuff like that,

it was just very difficult for him

to communicate from the heart.

- You want some or not?

- And not hide behind

a lot of these different fronts.

Whether it's alcohol, that gives

him a false sense of strength

or the front man in Metallica

or, you know, macho bullsh*t

and all that stuff.

All right, now you guys are drunk,

and I'm drunk.

Now this is the fun part, man.

I want to help him.

I want to be there for him.

And I want to do the best I can

to make him the best person

that he can be.

So I don't know how the f*ck

it's gonna play out.

It's really healthy for me to be here

without any pressure

or anything related to the band

or anyone who would remind me

of the band.

And to recognize what's real.

Our sessions with Phil really stirred up

a lot of things in James

that he thought that he needed

to address.

Mentally, it's really taken--

Taken its toll on myself, you know,

and I'm very worried about him.

And, you know, whenever

you check yourself into rehab,

they don't-- They don't focus on, you

know, the fact that you're an alcoholic.

They go much deeper, you know?

I mean, they go way deep.

They crack you open

and then spill you out

and examine all the things

that are on the table.

I've spoken to him a few times,

and, you know,

I know he's having a rough trip.

No matter how bad it gets, eventually

things seem to sort themselves out,

sooner or later.

Whether it's good or bad,

they sort themselves out.

I watched the people

around the world say

what a great guitar player Kirk is

and what a piece of sh*t I am.

And that I got kicked out of Metallica.

And I wasn't good enough for them.

And that I was a loser.

And I've had to deal with that

for almost years.

It's a dreadful experience.

It's been hard, Lars.

It's been hard to watch everything that

you guys do and you touch turn to gold

and everything I do f*cking backfire.

And I'm sure there's

a lot of people that

they would consider my backfire

complete success.

You know? And am I happy

being number two? No.

You know? You're just now

encountering something

I've been going

through years.

I've never had a chance

to be able to tell you without

talking to Lars, the guy in Metallica.

Never talked to my little Danish

friend again. You know?

I remember the day you and I talked

about digging a hole in f*cking dirt

and smoking hash

through the ground.

That to me is the stuff that's, like--

You know? And we've never had

very many moments like that.

Do I feel some guilt? Yes, I do.

But at the same time,

it's difficult for me to comprehend

that the only thing that you feel

when you look back

on the last years

is rooted in the Metallica thing.


Have you ever thought what--?

What I've been through?

I think I've had an awareness

of the pain I caused you.

That's not what I said.


Do you have any idea--?

- Of what I put you through.

- No, no, no, what I went through.

I mean, people hate me

because of you.

You know, I walk down the street,

and I hear some piece of sh*t

say "Metallica" at me,

and they do that to taunt me.

I mean, when I would hear Metallica

on the radio,

I would be like,

"God, I have to turn this off,"

because I just keep thinking,

"I f*cked up!"


I've been waiting for this day

for a long time.

You know? And by no means

is it done because

somebody else very important

is not here.


Do I wish it was all over again,

and you guys woke me up and say:

"Hey, Dave, you know what?

You need to go to AA"? Yeah.

I'd give anything for that chance.

Is there any last words you wanna

say to everybody out there?

Metal up your ass!

Okay, thank you. This is Donna Davis,

and this is Metallica.

This is, like, a pretty b*tchin' club

to play the first f*cking gig.

- Yeah.

- How do you guys feel?

- Stoked.

- Freaking out.

- Freaking out?

- Totally. Totally.

It's un-f*cking-believable is what

it comes down to. Can I say that?

- You can say whatever you want.

- It's f*cking unbelievable.

Echobrain. Yeah.

I don't know, I just-- All of a sudden

this became such a big production.

I don't understand.

It's like all of a sudden, like--

I get one phone call, it's like everybody

and their f*cking brother are in town.

I thought it'd be Jason, like,

playing with his new band

in front of, you know, like, drunks

down at some bar or something.

And now, I guess, to my own

ignorance or something, l--

That's what-- I guess that's

what I wanted it to be.

So now I'm realizing that supposedly

it's a little more of a big deal than that.

- Hey, what's happening, man?

- What's going on?

- Sounded good, man. Very good.

- Thanks. Thanks, man, thanks.

- Awesome. Awesome.

- Oh, thanks. Right on.

- I'm Lars. How you doing?

- Nice to meet you.

Where's Jason?

- Jas?

- I don't know.

I think he went back to--

I think he already f*cking bailed.

- He went back to--

- Really?

Nice. Go back to say hey,

and he's, like, f*cking gone.

Elvis has left the building.

There's Zach. Hey, Zach.

See, he's even blowing me off.

Jason blows me off.

Zach blows me off.

How quick we become

yesterday's news.

No-- No kidding.

See, there's a guy

in an Echobrain T-shirt.

Yeah, that's Steve over there.

He works at the studio with us.

Well, he is.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I remember that guy.

I remember him.

He worked at the studio.

- Which guy?

- Over there.

- The guy in the red shorts?

- No, the guy in the black

that's walking across right now.


Todd. He works at the studio too,

doesn't he?

- Who?

- Todd over there.

I'm sure they're all here, Bob.

I mean, the only two people

in the Bay Area

not working for him is me and you.

Hetfield's gonna freak.

I'm in f*cking hell.

This whole gig has brought

all of this on.

Yes, it has.

It's made me feel like--

- You really wanna come clean.

- It made me feel like such a loser.

I mean, I can't hold my band together,

you know.

I start records,

I don't finish them.

I f*cking--

Jason is the future.

Metallica's the past.

I've never had a break like this

in years.

Do you know what I mean? And just--

What's been kind of getting me

is just not knowing.

You know what I mean? Not knowing

and not hearing, it just eats away at you.

- Kirk talked to him.

- I talked to James today.

What did he say?

He basically said that,

you know, he just--

His family's the priority right now,

and he needs time to work

on his family

before he can reach out

to his other family, being us.

And that he loves us,

and he just needs for us

to understand that he needs time.

And he also went on

about how difficult it was

talking to you about it,

because he felt pressured.

And, you know, he spoke

about how you always need

to be in control of the situation or in

control of the schedule or whatever.

And he said that this is a time

he needs complete control

of the situation.

And he said, you know, all the

Marc Reiters and the Bob Rocks,

all that stuff, you know, just has--

"I can't think of that right now."

So, you know, I got the feeling that

he kind of lumps in your relationship

with the business side of things,

which was actually

really surprising to me.

But I think that's--

You know, that explains--

I think that explains a lot

on why he hasn't spoken to you.

We're just in limbo, and the longer

James chooses to stay away

from dealing with us,

the further we drift apart.

And I just feel so disrespected.

And that's the key thing.

Was the future of the group

ever in doubt?

Even when James went

into rehab, do you think?

Lars and I, we were wondering

when James was going to finally feel

like he was in a situation

where he can come back

to the band.

And after a certain amount of months,

you know, Lars and I started to think:

"Well, is he ever gonna come back

to the band?"

And that was a really big question

on our plates.

Whether or not, you know,

he wanted to come back.

James wrote something in the new

issue of our magazine, So What!

He wrote a kind of

a little handwritten note.

That note was probably

the most heartfelt thing

that I'd ever seen come

from his mind.

Tomorrow is shaping up,

or is gearing itself up to be,

yes, the first sit-down

with one James Hetfield post-rehab.

Why are we filming this?

I don't know.

We're in very different places.

Or at least I am in a very different

place than I was from the Presidio.

That's a huge understatement.

So we just have to find that if--

You know, if the movie will be

as intense, you know.

To me there was a lot of intrusion,

and I kind of went with it and felt--

I felt uncomfortable.

I felt uncomfortable with it.

You know, a boom

following me around,

and it just felt like I was

in the spotlight all the time.

And I didn't--

I guess I don't really like that feeling.

While we were in the Presidio

filming you guys playing,

- did you feel it then too?

- Yeah.

It was-- It was pretty much

all the time.

Do you think you're

in a better place now?

- We gotta find some...

- I'm definitely in a better place.

Some place that

makes you feel comfortable.

And the last thing we wanna do

is have it impede on your music,

because that's more important

than anything.

You know, one answer

may be there--

Maybe there shouldn't be a film.

I mean, that's the range of possibilities

that we should really think about,

because, I mean,

why do you guys want a film?

Even you said you hope

that the film is made. I mean--

That's a big question,

because, for me, it was really just--

It came along with being in Metallica.

"Hey, we're gonna do this."

"Oh, okay."

That's part of this, all of this...

The bigness of Metallica,

and I'm kind of tired of it.

You might look at it as a friend.

To me, it's been a beast.

And it's sucked a lot of me into it.

You were maybe the keeper

of the beast at one point.

You know, because you were the

champion of that fifth-- That entity.

And, of course,

you gotta find the right balance

between what

everybody's personal needs are,

but if Metallica collectively decides

to do this,

then I think Metallica

can make it happen.

I don't know. That scares me again.

Metallica is three individuals.

And three individuals have to decide

if it's good to do.

But I still think that the priority

is the collective

until all the people involved

in the collective

say that the priority

is the individual.

And so far, you're the only one

that said the priority is the individual.

I haven't said that.

He hasn't said that.

I haven't heard him say that.

So I feel that it's still--

There's still an unbalance there.

We met from, like, maybe,

I don't know, six or eight weeks

before we actually picked up

the project again.

That was when we came in,

and it was the first time

we actually used this studio, HQ.

Anyway, here we are. HQ.

Right on. Well, we're here.

And the camera's here.

And my friend the boom is here.

- Hovering.

- Yeah. Cool.

Do you want me to play the music?

Yeah, let's go. I'm--

I'll put the big speakers on.

I was afraid to pick up a guitar

and fearful of what would happen.

Would I not like it? Would I love it?

Would I not be able to write

anything cool?

Would I write just recovery stuff?


It was probably the best sound

I've ever heard in my life,

just the fact that you

were playing guitar in here.

- Hey, Zach.

- Right on, brother.

Play a riff.

- What?

- Nothing.

See? It feels pretty good, doesn't it?

- Yeah.

- It feels like the next day.

A year later, the next day.

It will be interesting

working on this schedule,

because we really haven't.

It's gonna be great.

And kind of the overview is, you know,

the less time we have here,

the more productive we'll be,

in a way, you know?

It's like we're more focused

on getting the stuff done.

That all sounds really good.

Okay. Now, let's revisit it in a week.

So I think that, don't talk it, walk it.

At some point, we are gonna

have to work a little harder.

- Yes.

- You know, when that feels right.

What do you mean?

What does that mean?

- What does that mean?

- Yeah.

When you say harder,

does that mean more hours?

You know, if we can go deep

real quick,

be intense...

I spoke up because,

"What does that mean,

we have to, you know,

do eight hours now?"

- And I got fearful right then.

- That's okay.

I mean, it's like... Yeah.

- To do eight hours?

- No.

Any lyric ideas?

I'm searching for--

Searching for doughnuts.

- Searching for doughnuts

- Searching for doughnuts

What was the whole thing

from yesterday?

- The Buddhist--

- Guarantee-- What?

No, the Buddhist thing that you had.

Birth is pain, life is pain,

death is pain.

The cycle of suffering.

It's called samsara.

Where are you with this, James?

Somewhere else.

Where's today's sweat going?

"I've worn out being afraid.

My endless parade

of fear that I've constantly made."

"My lifestyle determines

my deathstyle.

A rising tide that pushes

to the other side."

I've worn out being afraid

Endless parade

Of fear that I've constantly made

Frantic tick tick tick tock

I gladly trade

Oh, I need know the answer

Where I'll be laid

I can't find it

- It just-- It doesn't work.

- The great--

You did one great thing.

You went:

You did this one syncopated thing.

Do the whole verse like that.

I've worn out always being afraid

An endless stream of fear

That I've made

Frantic tick tick tock

I'll gladly trade

It's weird. It's weird. And it works.

No, but the second time you felt

really comfortable with it.

- Right.

- Oh, by the way, it's quarter to .

I gotta get rolling, guys. Sorry.

I feel like the bad guy saying,

"I gotta go because it's : ."

If we all know, and we all do know,

that : is kind of the stop time,

then, I don't know, then I won't feel

like the heel here, saying:

"I gotta go eat dinner

with my kids," you know.

Because I have a feeling

I'm gonna walk out of here,

and you're gonna go in there

and listen to this stuff,

- and it's like, that's not right.

- That's not.

I mean, if I wanna listen to it,

I'll go and listen to it.

But we should at least listen to it--

But I know you'll sit there

and start talking with Bob.

Maybe Bob doesn't wanna sit

in there, and when I'm gone,

things get talked about

and decisions are made.

And I feel I walk into something

that's already kind of decided.

And it's a total uphill battle

for me a lot of times.

I don't like that feeling.

Well, that's, like,

just like the last years,

- Yeah.

- for me.

Well, let's talk about this

tomorrow, then, all right?

- Or do you wanna take time out--?

- No, I don't have time right now,

because it's past .

It's hard to introduce structure

into this, and I'm trying.

So, what do you think, Lars?

Can we hear the song

from yesterday?

That we all heard together?

How is that different?

Because we all heard it

together already.

- He wants to be part of everything.

- Was I in there?

Yes, you were.

We all heard it together yesterday.

- You came in.

- All right.

As long as you don't talk about it.

- Is that a way around it, or--?

- That is definitely a way around it.

How about if we just save up

the tension?

Seriously. I mean, that's okay,

because tension produces results.

I'm excited to see

what you learned here.

Up and back. Up and freeze.

What is this called?


Super proud of you, sweetie.

I'm so glad I got to see it.

I'm working on--

Really hard, on being

the best dad and father

and husband I can be.

And the best me.

You worked hard.

I don't wanna lose

any of the stuff I have.

I know it could all go away

at one time,

and that's a tough part of life.

And then-- And it's just--

It's a total rebirth for me,

looking at life in a whole new way.

You know, all the other drinking and

all the other junk that I was stuck in,

it was so predictable, so boring.

I'm out there looking for excitement

in all this stuff.

The results are the same, man.

I wake up the next day somewhere

in some bed,

I don't know who this person

is next to me,

and I'm drunk, completely hung-over

and have a show to do.

And the result is the same.

You know?

When life now is pretty exciting.

You don't know

what's gonna happen

when you're kind of clear

and here and in the now.

In the moment.

My lifestyle determines

My deathstyle

A rising tide

That pushes to the other side

My lifestyle determines

My deathstyle

A rising tide

That pushes to the other side

I think those two feel the best to me.

It's a tough one to decide.

They all kind of got

some charm, don't you think?

Yeah, I'd be interested to hear

the first one.

From the first take.

Well, let's play it.

- Is it okay?

- Are we allowed?

- Yeah, we are.

- Do we have--?

- We never really settled that, did we?

- We didn't settle it.

Yes. We're allowed.

Well, I'd like to hear it.

Feel free to leave the room, whoever

doesn't want to be part of that.

I felt like it was an agreement.

We're gonna work from to

and then we would not work.

Well, if Lars and I

listen to something

or go through the Presidio stuff,

it's not because we wanna do

something behind your back.

It's for you.

And basically what I heard

is, "No, I can't do that."

- What the f*ck is that?

- I don't know, my mind gets lopsided.

The more it goes in a different

direction, the harder it is.

The harder it is to get that back.

What is it you have to get back?

Some control. Some sense

of involvement in the band.

When I was running this morning,

I was thinking about seeing you today,

and the word "f*ck"

just comes up so much.

Seriously, it's really true.

- Is that in anger?

- No, just, "f*ck!"


I just think you're

so f*cking self-absorbed.

And what makes it worse is

that you always talk about...

You always talk about me.

You use the word "control"

and "manipulation" a lot.

I think you control on purpose,

and I think you control inadvertently.

I think you control by the rules

you always set.

I think you control by how you

always judge people.

I think you control by your absence.

I think you control all of this

even when you're not here.

I don't understand who you are.

I don't understand the program.

I don't understand all this stuff,


I realize now that I barely

knew you before.

And all these rules

and all this sh*t, man,

this is a f*cking rock 'n' roll band.

I don't want f*cking rules.

I understand that you need

to leave at .

I respect it.

But don't tell me I can't sit and listen to

something with Bob at : if I want to.

What the f*ck is that?

You know, I don't wanna end up

like Jason, okay?

I don't want to be pushed away.

I don't want it to happen twice.

Let's do it, and let's f*cking do it

full-on or let's not do it at all.

f*ck. See?





- Yeah!

- Metallica. Yeah!

Rock 'n' roll.

Let's hear it for Elena!

We're not anywhere near

getting any issues resolved.

Well, let's get them.

That's what we're here to do.

I don't know. I guess the playing part,

being in the room,

and then mainly being in the room

with Lars, playing music together.

I guess I had higher expectations,

and I don't know,

maybe I'm disappointed in myself.

Maybe... I don't know.

You wanna talk about that?

I mean, what does that mean?

I'm not enjoying being in the room

with you playing.


Seek and destroy


Seek and destroy

Searching, yeah

Seek and destroy

If you are not having any fun,

let me let it be known to you that

I'm not having a lot of fun either.

But I've-- I am not interested

in playing music with you

if you're not happy in there.

I just don't want to be a--

Become a f*cking parody.

Okay? So if you're not happy

playing music with me:

Is there enough that connects us

to hold on

for a way through this?

I don't know.

There are moments

where I really doubt it.

Really doubt it.

I'm glad you said that.

Because I really, deep down,

feel sometimes that it's just...

There's just some empty, just...

Just an ugly feeling inside.

Just... I don't know.

How much work

do we gotta put into this?

- Then you're doing the:

- Yeah.

Let's do our little roundtable thing

right now, quickly.

Everybody's gotta participate.

Lars, come on.

Hey, Castor, why don't you look at all

the boys-- The men, I should say.

And say bye to everybody.

Bye, Castor.

Thank you for coming.

- Is Daddy going bye?

- No, your dada's staying here, okay?

- Bye, guys.

- See you.

So, what's the deal? How does

everybody feel about what they heard?

The chorus lyrics will definitely work

in that feel.

- Yeah.

- That kind of intro bit that's on there.

- What about you? What do you think?

- It's good.

You think it's good? Was there

anything in particular that you...?

No, I wasn't paying attention

that detailed.

That's just-- It's a lot of good stuff.

I can take you back, when me and him

were alone in my room, in

listening to the new wave of

British heavy-metal singles.

As soon as there was somebody else

in the room,

it just became this, like-- It just had

a very different energy to it.

- Is there any of that that's usable?

- Yeah.

- That's a f*ck-- That's a f*cking b*tch.

- Let's do another version of it, okay?

The first time I got

a real awareness of it

was when Mustaine came

into the picture.

When James was with Mustaine,

he became like he never

really cared about me.

One time during the recording

of the Ride the Lightning record,

where me and him went out and--

So beers later,

it was like, "Oh, dude, I love you."

But it could never have materialized

until it got to that -beer point

and we were alone.

That was good.

Are you sure I don't have

to play it again?

Yeah, I'm sure.

It's good practice, though.

- For what?

- The road.

- When?

- A couple years.

From day one, it's been competitive.

And in a way, that's what has made

Metallica what it is.

That's what's driven us further.

What feels good to you?

I don't know.

I'm gonna try a bunch more.

Can you try maybe like a:

Almost like a strum.

My parents split

when I was or .

And then my mom passed on

when I was .

The only thing I felt that I really had,

at that point, was music.

My wanting to keep everything

under control,

and, you know, it's out of a fear

of my abandonment issues.

I'm afraid to get close to people

because I don't know how to do it.

I don't know

how you're supposed to do it.

- Cool.

- That last one was pretty good.


That's the first amp I ever owned.

That right there.

I think we have it.


Okay. Now we gotta talk about it.

You started talking about the idea of

the guitar solo, as we have known it,

maybe being something that was

a little outdated

and maybe reintroducing

some riff-o-rama things.

But can I say something

that I think is bullsh*t?

This whole f*cking solo out,

you know, dates the whole thing.

That's so bullsh*t. You know?

If you put a guitar-- If you don't play

a guitar solo in one of these songs,

that dates it to this period.

And that cements it to a trend

that's happening in music right now.

I think that's stupid,

and I think it's totally trendy.

I know that's not what I said.

It's always been about,

like, where could it go

that's kind of new and interesting,

instead of just repeating

something from the past.

I'm not interested in playing

traditional guitar solos anymore.

- You know, that's just-- For me, it's--

- And you told me that.

It's just boring, you know.

To me, if you can add a colour

to the song

that satisfies you and works

for the song,

then that's what we should do with it.

But I don't wanna get in the position

where it's like,

we put something down on the tape

to satisfy your ego,

my ego, Lars' ego or James' ego.

I think it should serve

what's going down.

Like, in other words, there shouldn't be,

like, a rule of no solos.

There shouldn't be a rule of solos.

It should be--

And I agree.

I mean, it really is, to me,

all about serving the song,

and, you know,

I feel much better about that,

because, you know, I just don't wanna

follow certain trends

that I see other bands following.

We don't necessarily have

to stick to our traditional way,

but we also don't have

to follow that trend.

I'm actually very, very comfortable

with my role in the band, you know?

I've actually always been very, very

comfortable with my role in the band.

I'm not a really egotistical person.

In fact, I've-- I spend a large

amount of my time trying to, like,

downplay my ego

and get it even smaller and smaller.

That's part of my beliefs.

I try to be an example

of being egoless to the other guys.

Hi! This is Kirk from Metallica.

And if you want money,

you'll listen to us.

And then some other guy's

gonna give you cash.

Twenty years' worth of integrity,

and, you know,

credibility and all that.

The next five minutes

is gonna change all that.

"Hey, man, keep it locked right here,

and--" What?

"We'll help you score $ ."

This is James from Metallica.

Survey says, you need cash.

Your money-shot to snatch

a bunch of cash is coming soon.

In order to suck both

nationwide radio chains off,

we are now standing here

having to do this f*cking stupid thing.

Up to motherf*cking grand,

goddamn it!

Win a bunch of money.

And walk away.

This is stupid!

Sharpen that booger-picking finger

and be the th--

Hey, it's Lars from Metallica. I'm

about to stick grand up your ass.

One dollar at a time.

I was telling Lars last night

that was hard for me to see

- you guys squirm like you were.

- Yeah.

Because I wanted to say anything,

and it's not my place to say anything.

I can't imagine Bono or the Edge

going on the radio,

saying what you guys

are being asked to say.

- Dad, can I have one of those?

- Go for it.

Should we catch up

on all this radio stuff?

Okay. Now, they're

the biggest chain in America.

You know, it's like stations

or something.

And if you guys think it's crappy, as a

radio thing, those guys think it's good.

I mean, that's their idea.

We didn't come up with that.

So strategically--

Why are we doing it, then?

Just to make them happy?


That's exactly what they're doing.

And they won't say, "f*ck you,

you never do anything for us.

We're gonna f*ck you

on the next record. "

People would do that?

"Because you didn't give us something,

we're gonna f*ck you?"

Yes, James. They would.

I'm not saying that they

can always get away with it.

That's so funny.

- It wouldn't stop them from trying.

- I'm glad it's your world.

I understand the "wash your back,

you wash mine" thing.

"Wash my--" "I'll wash your back

so you don't stab mine,"

- Right.

- is more like it.

Okay. Why don't we get off

the phone, then.

Well, you know, we should have this

conversation some more next week.

- Later.

- Okay.

- See you.

- Bye-bye.

That's insanity. "We're gonna hurt you

because we didn't get something."

I wash your back

so you don't stab mine.

Well, that's a good line for a song.

I guess I just want something

to rhyme with "mine" right now.

Wash your back so you won't...

Wash your back

so you won't stab mine.

Step on a landmine.

Keep you in my back pocket.

Blind leading the blind.

I'll rip out your f*cking spine.


All right.

Wash your back

So you won't stab mine

Get in bed with your own kind

Wash your back

So you won't stab mine

Get in bed with your own kind

- That was really good.

- Are you pulling my mike?

- That was really good.

- It was.

- Really good.

- So then, the part--



No landmines

No landmines

Rock lobster

Wash your back

So you won't stab mine

Get in bed with your own kind

There's a witch at the foot of my bed.

Did you--?

Did you hear what Lars said?

He says, "Yeah, Kirk stopped reading,

and I stopped moping."

- That's what you said.

- That's not what I said.

- What'd you say?

- I said, I stopped sulking.

Oh, sulking.


In the months since he's

parted company with Metallica,

ex-bassist Jason Newsted has been

apparently more musically active

than his former band mates.

While Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich

was pursuing Napster,

and singer James Hetfield

battled alcoholism,

Newsted hooked up in the studio

with legendary metal band Voivod.

Our own lann Robinson got all the

answers on Newsted's new ventures

and the current state

of his relationship with Metallica.

A good friend hinted

that Jason would really like

to join the band again.

Man, I popped his little bubble

for a second and-- I don't know, man.

I'll be quite honest.

I think the heart and soul of Metallica,

from this point on,

and has been for a while, since

Cliff died, is the three of you guys.

I think you will never, ever, ever find

a permanent bass player.

My opinion.

There was also tragedy

in rock this week.

Metallica's bassist Cliff Burton

was killed in a bus accident

while the band was on tour

in Sweden. He was .

Metallica bassist Cliff Burton

was buried on Tuesday

in the San Francisco area.

Remaining members of the band...

Jason Newsted.

He replaced Cliff Burton,

who was killed in an auto accident

in September.

Jason told...

It p*sses me off that Cliff left us

because we'd never have

that initial four guys

just going on and on.

You know, when I talk about it,

it's like that happened for a reason.

And we're-- We're dealing with that.

I gotta capitalize

on what's being said right here.

The Cliff message that I get

from him to you guys is,

that treasure the three of you.

Treasure every moment

that the three of you have.

And the four of you have.

You know, treasure--

Treasure it because you never know.

And one of the sad things

that happens when somebody dies

is that people have never

taken the time along the way

to really embrace each other

every day. You know?

It's a sin if you--

You know, if you let that go.

Phil has been like an angel for me.

He's been sent to help me.

And, you know, I've got

my own thoughts about all that,

you know, a father figure,

the dad that never was

and all of that, that it makes

me comfort--

It comforts me.

But also, we don't want to have

our hand held through life.

We'd like to be able to stand proud

ourselves and move on.

There'll be a time for that.

And we just have to discuss

when that is.

You know, there is purpose

behind the way I do it.

I think it's very effective.

I have to decide whether

I'm going to push it or not.

It sometimes is a distraction.

So, what part of our career

are you gonna manage today?

I thought I'd do the whole thing,

since you guys can't do anything.

If you guys could run something,

then it would be easy to step back.

Because you can't, you know...

Is today the first day you're

gonna play drums?

- I don't wanna get into that.

- Okay.

No. I don't think

I'm gonna do the drums.

- I think it's time--

- Maybe I should.

- Yeah. I think it's time.

- Although, actually, I'm kind of...

Well, it's about the only thing

you haven't done.

- I haven't sung.

- Right.

We got to a point

where we sat down and told Phil

that we wanted to scale Phil back

to every other week.

And we were getting ready

to implement that

four weeks from when

the decision was made.

And two weeks

after the decision was made,

we had to sit Phil down and say

that we were not ready to do that.

Because we got really...

I don't know. Scared, I guess.

There were some things

that were going on at the time

that, really, Phil helped with a lot.

Live from the news leader

in Northern California.

NewsCenter . Night Beat.

The Metallica v. Napster battlefield

moved to San Mateo today.

Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich

delivered a list of screen names

of people who have downloaded

the band's music online.

Metallica is suing Napster,

a website that provides software

which allows people to download

music on the Internet without paying.

Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich testified

before a Senate committee

earlier this month that Napster has

"hijacked our music without asking."

The band said

that over people

are downloading its music for free.

A group of former Metallica fans

staged a protest at the courthouse.

I don't want anything to do

with Metallica anymore.

I'm gonna be trashing their CDs.

I took all my CDs,

and I'm gonna be destroying them.

Are you proud

of what you achieved with Napster?

Are you proud in hindsight

of what you pulled off?

Being the most hated man

in rock 'n' roll?

Yeah, that was-- That was my goal.

I got an idea.

I'm kind of bored this summer.

Everything's going a little too well.

Let's see, I wanna turn myself

into the most hated f*cking

as*h*le in rock 'n' roll, yeah.

Like, good afternoon, my name is, you

know, like, Lars Ulrich, from Metallica.

I worked for years to get

where I am today.

Me and my buddy

James Hetfield here

have shed blood, sweat and beer

to get where we are today.

Beer, good.

Who do you think you are?

I mean, just, you know,

because you, like, made us rich,

you think you can get free stuff?

Songs that we spent upwards

of, you know,

like to hours writing

and recording.

Our team of lawyers and researchers

have your names,

and you Napster users, we'll see you

in jail getting gang-raped.

Some minutes

I have all this strength,

and I can stand there and just go,

"f*ck you, f*ck you, f*ck you.

I'm bulletproof, it doesn't matter.

I got Hetfield and Hammett,

and we're a team, and f*ck you."

You know what I mean?

Five minutes later,

it means nothing, and I just

become really vulnerable.

You know,

we never sat there and thought

about where Napster

was gonna end up.

We never sat there and talked about

what shots we were gonna take.

We just sat there and thought about,

this was something we had to do.

So wait a sec.

That was awesome!

It's like I had to stay

on the course that I was on

and stay to my convictions,

but it was eating away at me inside.

And then maybe it could go

lyrically to:

"What difference did l/we actually

make?" It's a great question. Great.

And if that could-- It's like if that

question could get thrown out there,

but remain unanswered,

I think that's really strong.

All the shots I take

What difference did I make?

All the shots I take

I spit back at you

"All the shots I spit back at you."

That's awesome, dude.


- f*ck me.

- And the "what difference did I make"

- fit right in.

- Really awesome. Right on.

These two kicks,

are they the same as--?

- It's different.

- Okay.

Go to the master. What really gets

my di*k hard is starting on:

You know, there.

Then these are awesome.

Lars, what I wanna know is,

do the four of you just go in there

and just jam?

You're hearing excerpts

of three-hour jams.

You're hearing-- Look at it as a funnel.

You're hearing the very part

of the bottom of the funnel.

- Right.

- You can almost equate

- what we're doing now to arranging.

- You're like Pollock, the painter.

He is. He's Pollock,

the funnel-arranger guy.

It's gonna sound f*cking amazing

at the stadium

with people

f*cking raising the evil horns

up to the sky and saying,

"Metallica, baby."

Oh, can we fast-forward

to that right now?

I think what I'd like to do is,

I'd like to talk about

this touring thing that has come up.

We're very cognizant of the fact

that things have changed

for you guys.

And they've changed

for many, many reasons.

Why can't we figure out what works

best for everybody

in their personal lives,

plus what works best as a business?

What if you just do a stadium tour,

where you play Friday, Saturday

and Sunday,

and then you go home

the rest of the week?

I just wanna put out that,

you know, it might be a kind

of uncomfortable vibe here

because people might not know

how I'm feeling about touring,

and I don't really know either.

You know? Until I get there.

And, you know, I wanna tour.

I don't wanna fall off the wagon,

you know.

I don't wanna go out there--

I don't know what it's like.

Doing things for the first time again, as

I think I've said before, it's a little scary.

I don't know about you,

but it's, like, summertime.

And to me, it's f*cking

beer-drinking weather, yeah?

Yeah. Well, I'm gonna take time

right now and f*cking have myself one,

and I just wanna say cheers

to all you guys

and f*cking thanks for coming down

and getting nutty with us. Cheers.

I blew my voice out

on the "Black Album,"

doing "So What," the cover song.

And we had a bunch of Metallica

songs to do after that.

And I went to this coach. I didn't--

I didn't wanna go. I was scared.

I thought he was gonna make me

sing operatic.

But I went there,

and we just did warm-up stuff like this,

and this is the tape. And I've had

this same tape for-- Since then.

- Was there a turning point?

- Yeah.

I think when we had acc*mulated

what we thought to be,

you know, a great kind of...

I don't know,

cross section of material,

we took stock, so to speak.

The only songs that

are gonna make it to the album

are the songs that

all four of us vote on.

And out of -plus songs,

only four songs got all four votes.

Sweet Amber

Sweet Amber

Sweet Amber

How sweet are you?

How sweet does it get?

How sweet are you?

How sweet does it get?

- Yeah, right.

- Wow.

I mean, there's some explosive playing.

The sh*t just takes off.

It's like you guys have spent

all this time

to come back to find yourselves.

- That's what it sounds like to me.

- All right, to go.

Yeah, how are you doing?

Do you wanna hear more?

- Wanna hear more?

- I'm just getting started.

Squeeze all within my hands

Choke within my hands

I'm madly in anger with you

I'm madly in anger with you

I'm madly in anger with you

Time, time, times like this

- Boy

- You got what you're coming to

- So

- Destruct the power within all

Across your spine

So that gets broken too

Temptation, fill no hole


No, no


You know, the first four songs

you've played me,

all pretty much knocked me out.

Okay? But if you've got it going, you

want it to hammer all the way through.

You want people to be able

to really listen and say:

"Jesus Christ, there's

no letting up from these guys.

There's no f*cking letup."

f*ck ballads. You know?

There definitely is some Presidio stuff

that I felt, maybe--

You gotta analyse it. Maybe you're

watering it down in some way.

That's all.

- It's your call.

- Yeah.

I know that...


I remember writing that thing.

It came out.

It flowed, totally, instantly.

"Temptation" kind of sums up

all the lyrics

that are in this new kind of project.

So-- And that-- And it's cool

because that was done

long before recovery

and all that, so...

I mean, I can tell that you're singing

your heart out.

You're definitely wearing your heart

on your sleeve on that song.

To me, it's more like a jam.

Is there a song in there?


You know, there's almost nothing

there that can't be turned

into something better than it is

or something

that could probably

get pretty f*cking close

to being something

on a Metallica record.

You know, but then it just goes away

from what the purpose--

At least, what I see the purpose

being today,

which is show up with what you--

You know, what are your A-pluses?

You know?

Well, when I hear Lars talk

about "We can whip anything

into decent shape," I agree.

And we did that on

Load and ReLoad.

And this is us trying to choose

before we take it to those extremes,

you know?

- Exactly.

- That makes sense.

That was a pretty major thing that I

think Lars and I clicked on together,

that, wow, I'd heard him,

and he heard me.

Oh, it's like, "Oh, okay."

It's like it takes the cutting edge

off of it

or the personal attack off of it,

you know?

Things are a lot less dramatic

than they used to be

within the chemistry

of the four of us.

Less head games, abuse of power

and soap-opera bullsh*t.

But can we just do one thing?

For lack of a better word,

when it comes in with the drums,

I just want you to scream,


as hard as you can f*cking scream.


Okay. It should be slower.

It should be more like:

I want four of them. Do it again.

Lars is selling paintings

because he's ready to move on

to the next ten years

or next decade

or next phase of his life.

And a lot of what these paintings and

a lot of what this house represents

is the last ten years versus

a husband and father of two.

He's getting rid of some pretty

major and important pieces

in the majority of his collection.

He's wiping the slate clean.

Midnight, New York City.

One last look at the paintings.

Oh, well.

- It's a celebration.

- This is a celebration.

- Of how far you've come.

- It's a celebration.

With Phil Towle.

This is a celebration.

Some paintings have visited us

for a while.

And now we wanna share them

with other people.

- Okay?

- Right, yeah. That's it.

- It's a choice.

- Okay, cool.

I never looked at it as an investment,

but I always looked it as--

Versus some of the other guys

that may be, like, taking

a big pile of money and parking

it in the bank,

I would always, like, take a big pile

of money and park it on my wall.

I can just feel some of the adulation

that other people have thrown

at these paintings,

and that makes me proud.

I've never been this close to it.

These are great paintings, whether

they sell for a dollar or for $ million.

The only thing that matters

is what pleasure

and what feeling you get out of that

moment you have with that painting.

And it's never been

about dollars and cents.

It's always been about something

greater than that.

But, f*ck, they do look awesome.

I mean, f*ck.

It's been a good time.

- And it will be a good time.

- To the future.

I feel better about this

than I thought I would, actually.

- It's weird, I don't know why.

- Yeah.


$ .


on the telephone.

It's two of you in the room,

selling right, fair warning at $ .

Jean Paul, $ .

Twenty-one is the moderna

on the reverse,

the Jean-Michel Basquiat showing

on the screen there on my right.

- All right, here we go.

- Be strong, my friend.

$ . At $ . million.

. million.

$ .

$ .

- Can we get more c*cktails?

- $ --

- .

- . . .

- .

- $ million.

- Come on, .

- For you, sir, $ .

$ .

And selling at $ million.

Brett, yours at million.

- All right.

- Hi.

It went well.

I got myself drunk to numb the pain.

But it went well. I'm happy.

Like, let's talk about the zone

for a minute.

Because there is a way to help

a person-- Persons get in a zone.

To-- I mean, you could consider

seriously doing some meditative,

or apply the meditative principles

to music, all right?

I don't want this to sound

too way-out,

but if you do that,

the four of you are out there,

and you do it anyway, unconsciously,

you do a musical meditation

by starting to jam with each other.

I just think,

no matter how you look at it,

I've been making records a very

long time, and it really comes down

to how much work you put in

and how much...

You know, it's just tough. Sometimes

it's just-- It's just tough work.

And I like to stretch the frontiers

of what people accept, okay?

And I understand about that.

And l--

I don't want, for my mind, to settle...

I guess I'm not gonna

be playing today, then, huh?

Well, I'm gonna go out

and make phone calls.

So everybody's...

You know, we've had

a fabulous few weeks

with a lot of great productivity,

a lot of really good stuff going on.

The more we feel good

about ourselves and each other

and the higher we ascend,

the more challenging

it will be to our psyches.

You know, I understand it.

I embrace it and all that stuff,

but sometimes it just bugs me.

I think the-- That thing was

kind of bugging me yesterday.

All of them around the studio,

it was just kind of, like--

That way of thinking, it just

doesn't work for me all the time.

And I was a little p*ssed off at it,

because right now in my life

it's not really working for me.

- I'm glad to know that's how you feel.

- I agree with that wholeheartedly.

And if you feel that way

and wish to share that more directly,

- I'd appreciate that too.

- Rather than tearing the signs down?

- Yeah.

- We pay him $ a month

to be pretty much available

at our beck and call.

So when this record's done,

do we want to collectively end

the $ -a-month, full-on thing?

I'm afraid he's under the impression

that he's, like, in the band, you know?


And I see him coming on the road,

maybe, for a week.

But after that I don't-- I don't see him

holding our hand

any further than that.

So is that something we wanna

present to him, then?

- Yeah. I think that--

- Okay.

I think it's something--

Yeah, I think it's something

we need to do

for our own well-being.

Yeah, because

I'm feeling uncomfortable.

Yeah, hello? Hello, hello.

Are they on the phone?

They're on the phone,

and they need you.

Oh, okay.

- James Hetfield is in the room.

- Hey there.

- Hey, James, how you doing?

- Pretty good.

I'll let Marc do the talking. He's

the one who's been talking to MTV.

Okay, this afternoon,

the official offer came in for ICON.

- Assuming you wanna do it.

- Let's do it.

Cool, man.

Yeah, I'm jazzed about it.

The only thing that you guys

are required to do

is show up for rehearsal

and then show up

for the show on the rd,

and at the end of the show

you guys take the stage

and perform a little bit.

- So, what's Jason's role in all this?

- What? Who?

Cliff? I mean,

I don't think Jason has any role.

He lost his icon status

when he left Metallica.

- Nice one, Cliff.

- Thank you.

I think MTV would like the fact

that this would most likely be

the introductory performance

of Metallica with a new bass player,

whether it's the new member

or whoever.

When is it supposed to be?

May what?

May rd. Saturday, May rd.

See, that means you'd have

to hire someone by the nd.

- Okay.

- I think it can happen.

You'd be required to be in

Los Angeles for all of two days...

Because we didn't get a new

bass player, I think a lot of people

thought maybe that we were

having trouble finding one.

We never started looking for a new

bass player until two months ago.

We worked on ourselves,

identified what part can we work on

so when someone else steps in,

it's clean.

They're not stepping in our sh*t,

you know?

All right, thinking about

bass players, finally?

So we're gonna need

a fourth member.

You know, we know you're

a great bass player. It's the vibe.

We need to make sure...

Jason kind of triggered this whole thing

a couple of years ago.

And I can't believe it's been two years.

And now we've gone through some...

We realized that we kind of wanted

somebody who was, like, our age.

Somebody who had been

around the block a couple times.

We've grown a lot, man.

These three guys

and this band.

And last time, when we did this

years ago,

years ago, I guess it was,

we literally sat down and started

auditioning bass players,

you know, the day after

the funeral for Cliff.

So now it's years later,

different circ*mstances.

When Jason left,

he took his basses with him.

Do you want a four or five?


What five-strings do you have?

This one's a five-string.

Keep searching

Keep on searching

This search goes on

This search goes on

The band-- These guys

collectively probably own,

like, five to guitars,

so they're not all here.

On and on

Tick tick tick tick tick tick tock


Tick tick tick tick tick tick tock


Tick tick tick tick tick tick tock


Tick tick tick tick tick tick tock

You went into

another voice there, dude.

Which one of me are you talking to?

Think that we should just spend the

next two and a half hours with this guy.

Don't you?

I had a vision of us jamming

with him the last hour.

I guess I just feel this is just

kind of, like, weird to keep,

like, just doing our own thing.

It just feels not welcoming.

This morning I heard him say

he was pretty comfortable.

It's not about what he says.

It's about what I feel.

- All right?

- Are we cool, James?

Yeah. I guess the only other thing

I'd like to say is,

you know, when we leave this up

to just how we're feeling,

a lot of it depends

on how you're feeling.

You know,

when you say those things.

Not that I wanna break up

what you guys are discussing,

if you wanna go deeper, you know?

But I think what might be really good

is to treat this with respect,

go out and do this...

Metallica stuff?

- I could try "Battery."

- "Battery"?

You can play that fast

with your fingers?


That's a f*cking pretty mighty

bass sound you got going there.

- Yeah, it's f*cking--

- I don't know.

It's the Mesa and the Hiwatt.

Is there anything else you know

as well as that?

Cliff. It was just like you saw Cliff,

and me and James went,

"He's in our band, there's no question."

He hit it out of the park.

And that's where it

sort of gets interesting.

Because if Cliff Burton

showed up today,

maybe he wouldn't be the guy either.

I mean, the three guys that I like

all have unique features

that I would love to Frankenstein,

you know?

- Yeah! Definitely.

- Some kind of monster?

That would be great.

I don't think you should settle.

I think you should get the right guy.

If you don't hit it out of the park

with one of these guys,

then you're gonna end up

four years down the road

in the same situation you did

with Jason.

A four count, then...

And into the solo.

Just follow.

He was the first guy of any of them

- that didn't look like he was struggling.

- That's what I told Bob.

Do you know what I mean

about, like, it--?

You know, with some

of the other guys,

it was sort of percent

over their capabilities,

or something like that. You don't

feel that with this guy at all.

It's like the last three songs,

like "Sanitarium," "Nothing Else

Matters" and what was...?

- "Sad But True."

- "Sad But True," they were flawless.

I looked over at him

during "Whiplash,"

and he was just right in the pocket

and in there.

And then afterwards, when he

played it alone with his finger,

it hadn't been played that way

since Cliff.

It's just, like:

- Yeah.

- Yeah, his finger's a pick, you know?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, it's three picks.

All right, are we

gonna sack Bob now?

Well, the second time

you came back,

I mean, that was, for me,

when I noticed

that you make us play better, man.

You make the band sound

so much better.

- So solid.

- How do you feel about that, man?

Well, I feel awesome, man.

- You're the chosen one.

- You looked coolest.

And we want you to be a real member

of this band, not just a hired hand.

And we'd like to offer you--

Basically, to give--

To show you how serious

we are about this,

offer you a million dollars

to join our band right now.

- And--

- Wait, okay.

And as a kind of a good-faith thing

about how serious we are--

It's an advance.

It's an advance on some percentage

you're gonna be making

with the band.

Here's money up front to get you

kicked in and inspired and:

"This is a reality. This is my future.

This is what life can hold for me

with my new family."

I can't really talk right now.

Invisible kid

Never see what he did

Got stuck where he hid

Falling through the grid

Invisible kid

Got a place of his own

Where he'll never be known

Inward he's grown

Invisible kid

Never see what he did

Got stuck where he hid

Falling through the grid

Invisible kid

Got a place of his own

Where he'll never be known

Inward he's grown

There's things that I miss,

and I'm sad it couldn't work out,

and things, you know, like that. But

there's way, way, way, way more times

and way more days and even hours

that go by and I'm reminded, "Dude,

all right.

You did the right thing."

You know, "You did the right thing

for yourself."

I don't know if it's the right time

to say this,

but, I don't know,

I've been thinking about our talk.

About, you know, you and us and

our future and all of that stuff, and...

And, you know, when I heard

that you guys were moving here

and all of that, that brought up

a lot of fear around:

"Wow, what is Phil's perception of,

you know, his, you know, longevity

with Metallica?" You know?

That scared me a little bit.

Well, I appreciate that. I was--

If it scared you, and that's part

of the issue going forward,

then let me say we haven't decided

we're moving here.

I've tried to make it clear

that we're selling--

I think we've told people we're selling

our house in Kansas City,

but that doesn't mean

we're moving here, okay?

And we won't likely move

to San Francisco

if there's not a future out there

with Metallica,

because, you know, that's my--

I wanna make sure

that the bass player's intact.

I wanna be sure that the tour's on.

And I also, as I said,

have performance-coach visions

for each of you and for the band.

And l-- To me, the work isn't over.

I'd like us to honour what we had,

and if you wanna be away from--

You know, on your own or something

for the couple of months

until we come back in June,

that's okay. I just kind of--

I don't know. I guess I have a problem

with the, "Let's see how it works out.

Let's see how it happens,"

and then, "No, let's honour what

happened, you know, six months ago."

You know? That's kind of strange

to me, you know?

Because I think that you use

those things

when they're convenient at times,

you know?

Personal stuff or business things.

And I don't know. I don't know.

They're-- The boundaries are--

I don't-- Becoming more clear to me.

There's that element of-- Of trust that

just kind of floats with you with me.

And l-- And that-- I'm really sorry

about that. That-- You know.

I've been swimming uphill on that one

for a long time with you,

and I'd like for us

to be able to resolve it.

But maybe we can't.

I've gotta tell you that l--

You know, if the client,

either James or us, says:

You know, then I really think that

needs to be respected without,

you know, just, you know,

the old turn-the-knife thing in there.

You know, it's just, you know,

if the client says,

you know, timeout for a while,


That is great, although we--

Our process, what we normally do--

Then it should be put on the table,

but left on the table,

and should be able to walk away

without what you're saying right now,

which is now there are trust issues

and stuff.

I don't know how to separate out--

In its simplest form,

I think it's a conflict of interest

that you tell him that he needs

you around more.

- If he has--

- No, no, no, no, no.

I'm not saying that.

I see that as a conflict of interest.

Look, I am saying you guys

have made a decision.

It's okay for me to say

I'm not happy with that decision.

The premise is,

you guys don't need me.

And I'm good with that.

Anyway, you go... It's--

- Anyway, let's jam.

- Great, I'll see you guys.

I'm taking off. I'll see you

next week. Have a good one.

Thanks, man.

Who's in charge of my head today?

Dancing devils in angel's way

It's my time now

It's my time now

It's my time now

It's my time

Look out, motherf*ckers

Here I come

I'm gonna make my head my home

The sons of b*tches

Try to take my head

Tried to make me

Someone else instead

You've been in the band for five

minutes, and you're an icon?

It's such an honour,

and, you know, I'm stoked. So...

Your voting interest will equal

your percentage interest

in a new account,

while each of our voting interests

will be one-third of the difference

between percent

and your percentage.

This is about as lawyer as you get.

But it's really--

- Sort of laying out--

- Yeah, lays out the deal.

Okay, so, for instance, in the first

period you have percent, okay?

So when we do a vote, you

get votes, you get votes,

you get votes, you get five votes,

in any vote, okay?

- But this doesn't mean anything.

- I think it's crap. I mean, l--

I think in the spirit

of what we're trying to do,

we better do and then

Q Prime's the tiebreaker. That's--

That works, that's fine. Cool.

Now, here it also says, "You will not

be required to fund any losses

in the new Metallica account,

but we will be entitled

to recover any losses out

of future profits."

For instance, buying the doc*mentary,

it's not your problem.

If the doc*mentary loses money

and the company never makes

any more money again,

it's these three guys' problem.


"What'd you do with your money?"

"I went and bought a car,

I bought my mom a house,

and we went and bought

a doc*mentary."

It was just-- You gotta keep

in the spirit of this whole thing.

By the end of this week,

we're gonna have an album title.

Because in three days, we won't

have to agonize about this anymore.

Well, the thing that stood out to me

was St. Anger. It's strong.

I mean, there's--

Iconic strong, you know?

- I like that title quite a bit.

- It's so easy

just to say,

"June th is St. Anger's Day."

- Yeah, well, it's true. That's cool.

- No, I mean--

I think Frantic is a better album title.

- I think that's--

- I don't know.

- It's more about the record.

- But St. Anger's a good--

It's an original statement.

St. Anger, St. Anger.

Well, this is an angry record,

but you read the lyrics,

it's angry in a healthy way.

- It's also frantic.

- Getting stuff out.

Frantic is more like,

"They're trying things that they don't--

They don't--

They're not exactly sure of.

They don't know what they're doing.

They're trying to climb back up

the mountain again.

They're not sure of themselves."

I mean, hello, that's a fair thing.

I mean, if you think that Frantic

has a negative connotation to it,

I never thought of it like that.

If it's St. Anger,

they're gonna form an image of:

"These guys are angry. I know it.

They're angry about Napster.

They're angry about the new stuff

that's coming in.

They're angry about their lives.

I'm angry too. I get it."

I think you guys know the idea about

shooting a video in San Quentin.

So let me get this straight.

You're gonna go to

a maximum-security prison,

and Metallica's gonna play

"St. Anger" really loud.

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

St. Anger 'round my neck

St. Anger 'round my neck

He never gets respect

St. Anger 'round my neck

I've been asked to come out here

and talk a little bit

about what this song means to us.

Anger's an emotion that I've struggled

with for pretty much all my life.

- St. Anger 'round my neck

- You flush it out, you flush it out

He never gets respect

There's a lot of misspent anger

that has come out sideways

for a lot of people.

Including yourselves.

And if I hadn't had music in my life,

it's quite possible I could be in here,

or not even in here, be dead.

And I'd much rather be alive.

Madly in anger with you

I'm madly in anger with you

I'm madly in anger with you

I'm madly in anger with you

I'm pretty nervous up here.

I don't really know what to say.

I'm just trying to share

some of what's going on for me.

I'm not here to sell nothing,

that's for damn sure.

Everyone is born good.

Everyone's got the same size soul,

and we're here to connect with that.

So we're very proud to be

in your house

and play some music for you.


More than any other record,

I don't know if you feel that,

but for me, this is like product

of what we're just doing, hanging out.

You know what I mean?

- It's almost like a diary.

- Yeah.

It's like, here's our memories on CD,

you know?

It's like we've proven that

you can make aggressive music

- without negative energy.

- Yeah.

Okay, and I don't think anybody ever

thought that that would be possible.

You know? You can make

something that's aggressive

and f*cked up, okay?

With positive energy

- between the people creating it.

- Yeah.

It hit me, you know? This project's

coming to an end, and I don't know,

I think I'm kind of bummed

about that.

I'm kind of, just, kind of liking

the schedule that happens,

or the safeness in that.

Coming here, being able to talk.

Creating, you know?

And... I don't know.

I've been kind of coming down

from this for about the past month.

I mean, getting up at in the morning,

and just pacing my apartment.

Just not really knowing

what the hell I'm doing either.

So I'm with you.

Like, I don't wanna let you go home.

I don't know.

I really appreciate that.

That's really nice of you to say.

I don't know, I can feel myself

kind of protecting myself

with some depression or something,

wanting to just kind of isolate.

And I don't wanna do that.

I wanna feel the sadness of--

I mean, I didn't feel depressed,

I felt sad.

And that's when I knew it was

something different than just me...

My old stuff, you know?

I mean, there is some of that, but...

Sadness and depression, I guess

I don't really know the difference.

And, Phil, all the stuff

that you've brought here to, like...

You've set out all the tools,

like, you know?

And you allowed us to build

what we've built, you know?

With guidance.

I really appreciate your bringing

this forward.

And there is a difference between

sadness and depression.


This is the hugest chapter in my life.

If I could have my wasted days back

Would I use them to get

Back on track?

Stand back. Stand back.

Keep away from the car.

- I love you.

- I love you too.

Can I find it inside

To deal with what I shouldn't know?

Could I have my wasted days back

Would I use them to get back on track?

You live it or lie it

You live it or lie it

You live it or lie it

You live it or lie it

My lifestyle determines my deathstyle

Determines my deathstyle

Keep searching

Keep on searching

This search goes on

On and on

Keep searching, keep on searching

This search goes on

On and on


Tick tick tick tick tick tick tock


Tick tick tick tick tick tick tock


Tick tick tick tick tick tick tock


Tick tick tick tick tick tick tock


Thank you so much

for supporting Metallica through all

the rough times and all the great times.

Metallica loves you!



f*cking a!

Metallica! Metallica! Metallica!
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