Cyndi Wang (王心凌) Lyrics

Other Songs

As Time Goes By
Baby Baby Tell Me
Baby Boy (Yipppe)
Da Da Da
Happy Loving
Hi Hi Bye Bye
I Do
My! Cyndi!
On My Way
WooSa WooSa
You Are My Only Love
一個人的日子 (A Person’s Life)
一直幸福 (Always Happy)
一點點 (A Little)
上了你的癮 (You’re Addicted)
下一頁的我 (My Next Page)
不哭 (Cry)
丟銅板 (Lost Copper)
任性情人 (Do As You Please)
你在哪裡? (Where are You?)
兩人份的幸褔 (Happiness for Two)
別說 (Don’t Speak)
到處不存在的我 (I Don’t Exist Anywhere)
劈你的雷正在路上 (You’re Thunder is on it’s Way)
匿名的安慰 (Solace in Anonymity)
原來這才是真的你 (Turns Out This is the Real You)
去遠方 (Go the Distance)
哭泣BABY (Crying Baby)
喜歡你怎麼辦? (How Do You Like It?)
因為是你 (Because It’s You)
在青春迷失的咖啡館 (Cafe of Lost Youth)
境遷 (Migration)
夢的光點 (Dream Spotlight)
大眠 (Great Sleep)
天使的偏執 (Angel’s Paranoia)
太陽萬歲 (Long Live the Sun)
失戀歌迷黨 (Lost Love)
孤獨的嘉年華會 (Lonely Carnival)
小星星 (Asteroid)
少女的祈禱 (Maiden’s Prayer)
幸福神偷 (Happiness Thief)
幸福背後 (Behind the Happiness)
彩虹的微笑 (Rainbow Smile)
往幸福出發吧 (Let’s Be Happy)
很愛 (Pretty Love)
從未到過的地方 (A Place I’ve Never Been)
心心相印 (Heart-to-Heart)
心電心 (H2H)
忘了我也不錯 (It’s also good to forget me)
忘了我也不錯INTRO (It’s also good to forget me INTRO)
想你想你 (Miss You)
想和你 (Want to be with You)
愛.不愛 (Love or Not?)
愛上了就不得了(It’s Terrible When You Fall in Love)
愛你 (Love You)
愛呢 (Love?)
愛太空 (Love Space)
愛情句型 (Love Sentence)
愛的ATM (Love ATM)
愛的天靈靈 (Love of Tián línglíng)
愛的套餐 (Package of Love)
愛的滑翔翼 (Hang Gliding of Love)
愛的重量 (Weight of Love)
戀愛節奏 (Love Rhythm)
我以為 (I Thought)
我和你 (Me and You)
我很好那麼你呢? (I’m Fine, and You?)
我懂了 (I Understand)
我會好好的 (I’ll Be Okay)
我會更好 (I’ll Be Better)
房客 (Tenant)
手錶 (Watch)
打起精神來 (Cheer Up!)
披著狼皮的羊 (Sheep in Wolf’s Skin)
抱著你哭 (Holding You and Crying)
搖滾吧姑娘 (Rock, Girl)
教海鷗飛行的貓 (Cat Teaching Seagulls to Fly)
敢要敢不要 (Dare Not to Want)
日落前七分鐘 (7 Minutes Before Sunset)
明天見 (See You Tomorrow)
昨天、今天 (Yesterday, Today)
月光 (Moonlight)
木馬屠城記 (Trojan Horse Massacre)
水仙 (Narcissus)
沈睡的森林 (Sleeping Forest)
泡泡糖 (Bubblegum)
火車快開 (Train’s Leaving Soon)
灰姑娘的眼淚 (Cinderella’s Tears)
熱愛 (Passionate Love)
生命中的美好缺憾 (The Great Flaws in Life)
當你 (When You)
睜開眼 (Open Your Eyes)
睫毛彎彎 (Curved Eyelashes)
瞬間 (Moment)
碰碰 (Bump)
立刻出發 (Starting Immediately)
第一次愛的人 (The First Love)
糖罐子 (Sugar Jar)
約定 (Promise)
絕配 (Perfect Match)
給我多一些 (Give Me Some More)
美麗的日子 (Beautiful Day)
羽毛 (Feather)
翅膀 (Wing)
翹翹板 (Seesaw)
自行浪漫 (I Wanna Be the One)
蝴蝶 (Butterfly)
衣櫥的秘密 (Wardrobe’s Secret)
說不出的味道 (Unspeakable Taste)
變成陌生人 (Become Strangers)
輕微 (Slight)
迷你電影 (Mini Movie)
這... (This is...)
這就是愛 (This is Love)
遠在眼前的你 (Far Away)
還是好朋友 (Still Good Friends)
那年夏天寧靜的海 (The Quiet Sea That Summer)
陪我到以後 (Be with Me)
陳淑芬與林志豪 (Chén Shù Fēn Lín Zhì Hào)
雙人舞 (Duet)
青春考卷 (Youth Exam)
非Soul Mate (Not Soul Mate)
飄飄 (Fluttering)
飛吧 (Fly Away)
黃昏曉 (Dusk, Dawn)
黏黏黏黏 (Sticky)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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