Zach Hill Lyrics

Gmail and the Restraining Orders (2019)

Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber Megamix) (2017)

Interview 2016 (2016)

Fashion Week (2015)

Drumgasm (2013)

Lil Scuzzy (2011)

Tripper (2011)

White Anaconda and the Rainbow Boa (2011)

Mantra Hiroshima (2010)

Who Do You Think You Aren’t? (2010)

Serpents (2009)

Flannel Graduate (2007)

Volume 2 (2007)

Acoustics (2006)

Shred Earthship (2006)

Homeboy (2005)

Hella/Four Tet (2004)

Lead Singer (2004)

The Devil Isn’t Red (2004)

Bitches Ain’t Shit but Good People (2003)

Dilute/Hella Live Split (2003)

Total Bugs Bunny on Wild Bass (2003)

You’ve Got Your Orders Vol. 1 (2003)

Chapel of the Chimes [EP] (2002)

Falam Dynasty (2002)

Hold Your Horse Is (2002)

Leather Diamond (2001)

Lasers and Saviors (1999)

Acrylo’s Mashups

More Than the Fairy

Other Songs

1-800-Ghost-Dance (Acoustic Version)
2012 and Countless
2020 Was My f*cking Year and Here’s Yours
49er Lighter
750 Dispel
8 Face
Absorb Those Numbers
Acerca de la Vida
Aggressively Humble
All She Does Is Kill sh*t
Anarchists Just Wanna Have Fun
And Them
Anne Bonny
Anxiety Attack
Articulate (Im Going So Far into You)
Artificial Death in the West
As Long as You See Me, Believe
Astrological Straits
Astronomical Flutter-By
Baby in a Coma / Child of No Calendar: Movement 10
Back Pages
Bass Rattle Stars Out the Sky
BB Poison
BC but Not Before Christ
Bear Bandit Jamboree
Beard of Christ Bees
Been a Long Time Cousin
Bellhopper’s Tongue
Better Get a Broom!
Better Get a Broom! (Live)
Beware (Drums)
Beware (FX)
Beware (Guitar)
Beware (Instrumental)
Beware (Vocal)
Beyond Alive
Biblical Violence
Biblical Violence (Acoustic Version)
Biblical Violence (Demo)
Biblical Violence (Live)
Big Dipper
Big House
Big Nature Getting Lazy
Big Time and the Kid
Billy Not Really
b*tch Please
b*tches Ain’t sh*t but Good People
Black Caeser / Red Sonja
Black Dice
Black Metal Blues / Black Mold: Movement 6
Black Metal in the Hour of Starbucks
Black Quarterback
Blood Creepin
Blood Creepin (Bass)
Blood Creepin (Drums)
Blood Creepin (Instrumental)
Blood Creepin (Keys)
Blood Creepin (Vocal)
Blvd. Nights
Blvd. Nights (Live)
Bodyguard [Tracklist + Album Cover]
Bodyguards Harmonic: Movement 11
Bootleg (Don’t Need Your Help)
Born Again American
Bottomless Pit
Broken Concrete Webbing in the Temple Bell Tower
Brown Medal 2003
Brown Metal
Brutal Honesty
Bubble Letters
Bubbles Buried in This Jungle
Bug House
Building a Body
Buildings Hurt My Feelings
Burner in the Video
Cafeteria Bananas
Cafeteria Bananas (Acoustic Version)
Cafeteria Bananas (Live)
California Bird Dudes
Cannibal Kids / The Nine Palmers
Cat Barrels
Centuries of Damn
Chapters 1
Chapterss 2
Chaptersss 3
Chapterssss 4
Chaptersssss 5
Chapterssssss 6
Chaptersssssss 7
Chapterssssssss 8
Chaptersssssssss 9
Chapterssssssssss 10
Chaptersssssssssss 11
Chewing Walls/Cardboard Lifeforms
China Temple
Chll Pll
Cig Vision
Cinco de Mayo
City Folk Sitting, Sitting
City Folk Sitting, Sitting (Demo)
City Folk Sitting, Sitting (Live)
Clone Cycle
Closed Coffins and Curtains
Colorchains of Inner Space
Come Up and Get Me
Cool Jumper
Crooked Teeth
Crummy Doug
Crystal Cobra
Culture Shock
Culture Shock (Drums)
Culture Shock (E Drums)
Culture Shock (FX)
Culture Shock (Instrumental)
Culture Shock (Synth)
Culture Shock (Vocal)
Cut Throat (Instrumental)
D. Elkan Sings 1-800-Ghost-Dance
D. Elkan Sings Republic of R & R
Dance of the Drunken Siberian
Dark Art
Dark Sea Clouds / Shaking Basketweaver
Death Davis
Death Grips (Death Door)
Death Grips (Next Grips)
Death Grips 2.0
Death Grips Is Offline
Death Grips Is Online
Deep Ocean Evolution
Deep Web
Delete It
Desert Glass Bubbles
Diamond Falling off My Grill
di*k Moves
Dirt Weed
Disastrous Looks
Dizzy from the Twins
Do the Death
Doing Things That Artists Do
Don’t Squab on God’s Tracks
Double Helix
Dressing Your Best for Failure
Drips Slow as Sap
Dull Fangs
Dumb Little f*cker
Earth #1
Earth #2
Earth #3
Earth Angel (Androgynous Mind)
Earth’s First Evening Jimi Hendrix-Less and p*ssed: Movement 8
Eggless Entry / Friendless Landscape
El Hacer
El Oyente
Elderly Pair Beaten With Hammer
Electric Guitar
Empathy on a Stick
Empty AM
Ever Since WWI
Every Single Line Means Something
Except No Subs
Explosions Came by Nine Skulls
Eyes to Hear It All
Face Melter (How to Do Impossible Things)
Face Tat
Falam Dynasty
Feels Like a Wheel
Female Guitar Players Are the New Black
For Ash
For the Forth
Four Reels Collide
Frank Vs. Frank
Friday the 13th
Friends Don’t Let Friends Win
f*ck Me Out
f*ck That
f*cker Laughs
Full Moon (Death Classic)
Fyrd Up
Get a Star
Get Got
Get Wolf Boy and Get in Context
Giving Bad People Good Ideas
Giving Bad People Good Ideas (Edit)
Goofi Respect
Gothspel for You Not Them
Government Plates
Green Bricks
Gross Sales
Guillotine (Bass)
Guillotine (Drums)
Guillotine (FX)
Guillotine (Instrumental)
Guillotine (Vocal)
Hairgrowth Speed
Half Hour Handshake: Movement 3
Half Kleptos
Hand That Rocks the Cradle
Have a Sad Cum BB
Have I Ever
Headdresses in the Day of Nathan
Hello Great Architect of the Universe
Hello Woman Hello Man
Her Confidence
Hey Mind Reader
Hindsight Is Nowhere
Hold This Hand of Rowdy Light
Horse Shoes
Hot Head
House of Hits
How Many Times Will You Ask?
Ho’s in the House
Hula Hoop
Hunger Games
Hurt Dream
Hustle Bones
I Am the Center of Your World
I Break Mirrors with My Face in the United States
I Love You Man
I Saw Blood
I Want It I Need It (Death Heated)
I want it I need it (Drums)
I want it I need it (Guitar)
I want it I need it (Instrumental)
I want it I need it (Vocal)
I Wasn’t Scared, He Couldn’t Feel His Hands
Iambic Strays
If I Were in Hella I Would Eat Lick
If You Pull It Out, You Better Use It
Ill Pearls
Imaginary Friends: Movement 4
Immortal Blood Specks
In Love
In the Meantime, In Between Time
Inanimate Sensation
Incomplete Spanks
Interview A
Interview B
Interview C
Interview D
Interview E
Interview F
Itchy Itchy Itchy
I’m Gonna Have Sex
I’m Overflow
I’m Quitting the Cult: Movement 2
I’ve Seen Footage
Jennifer Lopez (The Sweet Science Version)
Keep Calm and Carry On
Kick Me (Zach Hill Remix)
Kid Life Crisis
Klink (Drums)
Klink (FX)
Klink (Instrumental)
Klink (Vocal)
Known for it
Known for it (Drums)
Known for It (Freak Grips)
Known for it (Instrumental)
Known for it (Keys)
Known for it (Vocal)
Koko B. Ware
Lady Gaga
Lakes in Space
Lasers and Saviors
Leaving the Arena of Anthropology: Movement 1
Let Your Heavies Out
Letters from Rimbaud
Let’s Take a Walk
Lil Boy
Lil Scuzzy
Live from the Stage
Live from the Stage (Live)
Lock Your Doors
Logical Volume
Long Hair
Lord of the Game
Lord of the Game (DJ Rozwell Remix)
Lord of the Game (Drums)
Lord of the Game (FX)
Lord of the Game (Instrumental)
Lord of the Game (Temper Tantrum Mix)
Lord of the Game (Vocal)
Los Tres “Yo’s”
Lost Boys
Lost Experiences in the Background
Madonna Approaches R&B Blonde Wreckages
Mandatory Psycho-Freakout
Many Moods
Markie Barking at Fish
Masculine Drugs (Tri-Duplex Edit)
Mastering Death
Medieval Wedding
Memo to the Man
Meth Leper
Missed Connections
Missing Information
More Than the Fairy
Mountains in Thy Chest
Murder Burger
My Career
My Last Time in This Place
Nebulaic Ambassador Assembly
Nerve Mathematics
Nervous Cop
Nice Chaps, Buddy
Nixed: Movement 7
No Dice
No Love
No Love Deep Web [Tracklist + Artwork]
Nonrum Nonproblem
North Pyramid Faceoff
Note Swarm Hive Builders
Nothing Left
Now Then and When
Nuflesh, Old Thirst
Old Warming
On the First Look
On the Record
One Second Early Late
Onward Push Me Out
Our Ride to the Rectory
Paper c*nts
Parallel Patchwork Abduction
Pass Out
Password Incest
Patterns of a Diamond Ceiling
Peace and Quiet
Peg Tiger
Photonic Transmission
Plant Speaking
Plato’s f*cked Up Cave
Polite Passage
Poser Killer
Post-Ivy League Depression
Post-Pattern Battle Celebration
Pow Strikes Pos Implosion
Precious Metal
Pretty Much None of Us Know Anything
Princeton Review
Pss Pss
Psycho Bro
Punk Weight
Puny Humans
Put All Your Eggs in One Basket and Then Watch That Basket!!!
Quantum Leaper of Los Angeles County
Quietly Being the Best
Reason and Understanding
Recycler 1a
Recycler 1b
Recycler 2
Relics of Religiousless
Republic of Rough and Ready
Republic of Rough and Ready (Demo)
Republic of Rough and Ready (Live)
Rice Precipitation
Rich Kid
Ring a Bell
Risky Biz
Roads? Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Roads
Roll Your Eyes
Royal Jelly / Maybe Another Lover
Royal Loner / Possibly Another
Runway A
Runway D
Runway E
Runway E (2)
Runway E (3)
Runway H
Runway H (2)
Runway J
Runway N
Runway N (2)
Runway N (3)
Runway T
Runway W
Runway Y
Sacrifice (Death Grips Remix)
Santa’s Little Hella
Say Hey Kid
Scum with Boundaries
Seawind Prayer Screech/Baseball Pyramids
Second Life
Self Checkout
Setting the Bushes on Fire
Shake Is For 8th Graders
She Owns
Shea Stadium
She’s a Genius
Simon Says
So Much for the Fourth Wall
Sobre la Resurrección
Sound Track to Insecurity
Spiral to Me
Spread Eagle Cross the Block
Spread Eagle Cross the Block (Instrumental)
Spread Eagle Cross the Block (Vocal)
Spring Break
Start Wrong
Startled Ea
Starts with a C Ends with a U
Stephen Hawking Has a Posse
Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber)
Stoic Logic
Stop Yelling in the Museum
Street People
Super Zodiac
System Blower
Takyon (Death Yon)
Takyon (Instrumental)
Takyon (Vocal)
Tales from the Crypt
The Big Picture
The Big Picture (Reprise)
The Cage
The Crippled Jazzer
The Devil Is in the Details
The Devil Isn’t Red
The Devil Isn’t Red (Acoustic Version)
The Fever (Aye Aye)
The Ghosts of Who Were
The Gist
The Hawks Feed You to Feed Itself
The Horn Section
The Landing
The Launch
The Loss of Reasoning and Decaying Accomplishment
The Money Store [Tracklist + Album Art]
The Mother Could Be You
The Package Is Wrapped
The Powers That B
The Primitives Talk
The Sacto Smile
The Sickest f*ck of Them All
The Storms
The Studio
The Things That People Do When They Think No One’s Looking
The Things You Notice
The Treatment
The Ungrateful Dead
The Weight of a Rock
The Whole Thing
There’s No 666 in Outer Space
They’re Coming To Get You, Barbara
This American Life
This Is How It Is Now
This Is Violence Now (Don’t Get Me Wrong)
Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood
Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood (Robbing a Bank Remix)
Thru the Walls
Thru the Walls (Instrumental)
Thru the Walls (Vocal)
Thunderbolt (Death Grips Remix)
Tick On
Time Change
Tire Bracelets for Coffin Life
Toll Road
Too Many Wives (All You Need Is Blood)
Top Twenty Notes
Total Recall
Transparency Is the New Mystery
True Vulture Bare
Turned Off
Two Heavens
Ultra Silvam Domain
Undeveloped Piles
Universe’s N.A.R.C.
Unseen Forces
Untitled 1
Untitled 10
Untitled 11
Untitled 12
Untitled 13
Untitled 14
Untitled 2
Untitled 3
Untitled 4
Untitled 5
Untitled 6
Untitled 7
Untitled 8
Untitled 9
Up My Sleeves
Vacation, Asphyxia, Vacation
Vibrational Match
W1reh3ad type beat
Warren Oates
Wash My Hands Shorty
We Was Just Boys, Living in a Dead Ass German Shepard: Movement 12
Welcome to Say You’re Welcome
Welcome to the Jungle Baby, You’re Gonna Live!
Welcome to the Jungle Baby, You’re Gonna Live! (Acoustic Version)
Well Known People Want to Know
Whatever I Want (f*ck Who’s Watching)
What’s There
Wheatfield Paranoia / Molecular Streams
When a Vegan Eats a Vegan
Where’s It at (Death Heated)
Who Ray
Why a b*tch Gotta Lie
Wildlife Takes the Loser by Night: Movement 5
Wish I Never Saw a White Man: Movement 9
Women of the 90's
Women of the 90's (Acoustic Version)
World of Dogs
World Series
Year of the Snitch Poem
Yeva’s Lullaby
You DJ Parents
You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You for It’s Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat
Young Accent
Young Man’s Blues
Your DJ Children
Your Skull Is Red
Your Skull Is Red (Live)
Zach Hill x Alanis Morissette
Ziplock Quilts That Kill from Hot
Zombes agosts
​click on that (smash the plastic death)
​electronic drum solo dub mix (single take)
​fool evolved
​moment of silence
​not what it is but what it’s not
​nu cringe
​safety (interlude)
​spray you with your own trip
​up the shakes
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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